Two contestants were forced to say This Is It on The X Factor tonight, as a pair of hopefuls Beat It off stage in eliminations that were the result of their Michael Jackson-themed covers from the previous evening. So, who got the boot? ASTRO and DREW! Early on in the hour, the top three of Melanie Amaro , Chris Rene and Rachel Crow were passed through to the next round. Astro, the 15-year old rapper from Brooklyn was then sent packing, reacting in a far more mature manner then when he was forced to sing for his survival two weeks ago. He hugged his fellow contestants and thanked his “Astronauts.” It then came down to Drew and Marcus Canty, with Paula Abdul casting the deciding vote for the former based on her chair-based performance from Tuesday night. Drew fought off tears, gave praise to Jesus and said she has “a lot to show” the world still. “I think she’s a little star and I think America knows she’s going to be a star,” Simon Cowell said of his protege. What is your take on these eliminations?
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The X Factor Results: This Is It For…