Tiger Woods’ mea culpa Friday was a remarkable event in the sense that the world basically stopped for 15 minutes to hear him admit banging waitresses. But it was far from the first such press conference or televised admission that an embattled, married, cheating celebrity has had to make in recent years. Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, current South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, David Letterman and Kobe Bryant can all relate thanks to similar situations. Perhaps Tiger, who’s already back in rehab , can take solace in that fact … and in this slow jam remix of apology with those of his aforementioned brethren: Tiger Woods Apology Remix Follow the jump for another Tiger Woods apology speech remix, this time with his words spliced together to reflect what the golfer was really thinking … What Tiger Meant to Say What did you think of Tiger’s apology (the real one)?
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Tiger Woods Apology Statement: The Remix