Former President Warren G. Harding, the 29th man to hold America’s highest office, would have made rapper Warren G proud with these racy love letters. The latter cruised L.A. hollering at girls, bound for the East Side Motel. The former was dreaming of Carrie Fulton Phillips while in the East Room of the White House! Harding (1865-1923) apparently carried on a salacious correspondence with his mistress in a selection of letters just released by the New York Times . The letters, which detail Warren G. Harding’s years-long affair with his Phillips, were originally discovered by historian Francis Russell during the 1960s, Harding’s descendants delayed the posthumous embarrassment by donating the letters to the Library of Congress, which kept them sealed for 50 years. That half-century has just elapsed, and here we are. The U.S. President, long regarded as one of the worst to ever hold that esteemed position, was married to Florence Harding from 1891 until his death. He and Phillips began their affair in 1905, when the future Commander-in-Chief was editing a newspaper in Ohio, and she was the wife of his good friend. He had a way with words. In 1912, he wrote her: “I love your poise / Of perfect thighs / When they hold me / In Paradise / I love the rose / Your garden grows / Love seashell pink / That over it grows.” Phillips’ replies have been lost to history, but certain highlights of their time together can be gleaned from Harding’s feverish missives. He wrote in 1913: “I hurt with the insatiate longing, until I feel there will never be any relief until I take a long, deep, wild draught on your lips and then bury my face on your pillowing breasts.” “Wouldn’t you like to make the suspected occupant of the next room jealous of the joys he could not know, as we did in morning communion at Richmond?” Bill Clinton is nodding knowingly somewhere. The pair’s liaisons continued after Harding was elected to the Senate in 1914, months before the outbreak of World War I, which caused a rift in their romance. A vocal supporter of Germany, Phillips tried to convince her lover of the rightness of their cause; she was accused of being a spy, but that was not proven. Coincidentally, Harding’s letters reveal that he named his penis “Jerry,” a nickname shared with an anti-German slur common during the war. He wrote in 1918: “Wish I could take you to Mount Jerry. Wonderful spot. Not in the geographies but a heavenly place, and I have seen some passing views there and reveled in them.” Harding broke off the affair before his election to the presidency in 1920, but Phillips blackmailed him, threatening to release the letters unless he paid her $25,000. He did just that. Phillips was far from Harding’s only affair; while president, he had sex with a White House staffer, and was known to have fathered numerous illegitimate children. 21 Celebrities Who Are Known Cheaters 1. Tiger Woods Really, everyone else on this list is just playing for second place.
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Warren G. Harding Love Letters Revealed: Former President LUSTS After Carrie Fulton Phillips!