Usually, when Wendy Williams comments on celebrities' private lives, her insights run the gamut from wrong to astonishingly wrong. Williams thinks nothing of body shaming famous women and issuing over-the-top insults that make Kanye West look sane and stable, so you can imagine our surprise when she actually took the right side on an issue this morning. In case you haven't heard, Kylie Jenner and Kylie Minogue are involved in the most unexpected celebrity feud in recent memory as a result of Jenner's attempt to trademark her first name for use on the many, many product lines she's planning to launch in the near future. Naturally, Minogue (who's mega-famous in Australia, and has been doing the celebrity thing for about three decades longer than Jenner) took issue with this, filed legal docs, and threw some shade at KJ on Twitter. Of course, Wendy took it upon herself to choose a side, and for once, she chose correctly. She identifies Jenner's actions as those of “an entitled little girl” (read: brat), who's beginning to really show the negative side-effects of growing up surrounded by yes men. Wendy's comments on the Kylie vs. Kylie debacle begin around the 3:05 mark. Watch, and be amazed at her ability to not be wrong.
The rest is here:
Wendy Williams to Kylie Jenner: Sit Down, Brat!
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