What Rehab? Lindsay Lohan Partying Like a Madman

She is going broke . Friends worry she will die . But rehab be damned. This week on the party circuit, Lindsay Lohan ran into a few of her old carousing companions, including Paris Hilton, and former flame Samantha Ronson. Amazingly, not a single police reports is believed to have been filed! First, she hit Bardot, where Sam was chilling. The twosome somehow kept the peace. “Things seemed amicable between Linds and Sam,” a source said. “Usually the pair doesn’t engage. They did this time in a friendly way.” Will Lindsay Lohan get help before it’s too late? After that, it was off to a private party in the Hills where Paris Hilton was on hand but trying to stay incognito. Amazingly, Paris may be a good role model for Lindsay. Lohan partied until 6 a.m., with bodyguard in tow and cigarette in hand. On the plus side, she didn’t fall like she did last weekend at Les Deux. Stumbling outside the infamous club, she ended up in the fetal position in the back seat of her car. No cacti were involved, but nevertheless, another crazy night for LL. Classy chick, this one. You really wonder when and if she’ll get a clue. The only good thing we can say here? Michael Lohan has yet to comment because he’s too busy getting engaged to and trying to procreate with Kate Major . Gross.

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What Rehab? Lindsay Lohan Partying Like a Madman

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