11 Of Our Favorite Musicians Who Can Act

Who else is not a fan of actors who try out singing? I knoooow I’m not the only one. But what’s surprising is that our favorite singers, rappers and musicians in general usually have better luck when it comes to switching it up and trying the thespian lifestyle. Sometimes they’re even better than folks who have been acting for years. There have been an epic number of artists who have picked up scripts and tried to recite lines, and a lot of them have been awesome. Others…awful. So whether the people on our list are awesome or awful to you, you can’t hate on the fact that they’re definitely multi-faceted and doing it big. It was hard to bring the long list of Meryl Streep and Morgan Freeman wannabes down to 11, so let us know your recommendations for others (hopefully without starting your sentence with “how could you leave out”) and why you think they’re awesome as actors below in our comments section. (Continue)

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11 Of Our Favorite Musicians Who Can Act

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