Still so sad…. Derrick Rose Offers To Pay For Funeral Of Slain Chicago Infant Chicago Bulls player Derrick Rose has reached out to the family of the 6-month old baby girl who was tragically shot to death in Chicago on Monday and offered to cover the cost of her funeral. Rose, who has a 4-month-old newborn baby boy himself [pictured above], also took to his Twitter express his condolences and love for his city following the horrific shooting news. via Inquisitor Defending Chicago Bulls MVP Derrick Rosehas reportedly offered to pay for the funeral of Jonylah Watkins, the 6-month-old baby who was tragically shot to death on the south side of the city on Monday. The Inquisitr reported earlier that an unidentified man walked up to a minivan on Monday and fired several shots in the window. Jonathan Watkins, who was the target of the shooting, was changing Jonylah Watkins’ diaper at the time. The little girl was shot five times. Watkins was also hit but he managed to survive the shooting. Rev. Corey Brooks, acting as a spokesman for Jonylah Watkins’ family, said: “He is giving them the information that they are asking for … He is answering every question.” Brooks also said that the family won’t have to worry about funeral costs as Chicago Bulls star Derrick Rose has offered to take care of the funeral costs. This is such a horribly sad story. We continue to keep this family in our thoughts and prayers.