Amanda Seyfried for Glamour Spain of the Day

I think Amanda Seyfried is great…in a everything about her is the fucking worst kind of way… From her public, outside of the movies, persona…I guess the “real” her…even though these actors are all full of shit….but the “real” her…is not hot, fun, compelling, interesting…but rather unshowered even disgusting… To her person life, or sex life…she fucks or dates…Justin Long, the mac guy who everyone in the world but Amanda Seyfried fucking hates….for no reason other than him being Justin Long… To the fact that she probably put a curse on Lindsay Lohan back when Lohan mattered and Seyfried was the obscure secondary character in the same movie…only to steal all future Lohan jobs… But she has great tits on her little frame, she’s got a great face, and she gets naked in obscure movies while doing the higher paying mainstream movies….and that’s pretty on point… So I guess what I am saying is that if you’re cute and naked…no matter what you do…or how garbage you are…I’ll love you… The post Amanda Seyfried for Glamour Spain of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Amanda Seyfried for Glamour Spain of the Day

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