The 25-year old Filipino-Australian actress Anne Curtis experienced a swimsuit malfunction last Sunday on ASAP XV. While on a performance in Boracay, Anne was embarrassed when accidentally her top slip down and bared the right part of her breast. People who were in Boracay during the show have captured the incident on their digicams and cellphones, that made Anne cry because of embarrassment. On an interview by the Gretchen Fullido, an ABS CBN reporter, Anne Curtis said that she felt dishonored and upset because of the disgrace that happened to her. “I didn’t expect people to take photos of mine when in trouble and that makes me feel sad.” “They don’t have any respect for us artists,” said Anne Curtis. As of now, if you search about the video on Youtube, you can have search results about it but the people who uploaded it have links to their websites, if you click the link to their site, you will notice that the video is not there, that’s a proof that people are using the incident to have popularity, that explains Anne’s point. Anne Curtis Swimsuit Malfunction Resulted to a Nip Slip is a post from: Daily World Buzz
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Anne Curtis Swimsuit Malfunction Resulted to a Nip Slip