I am not sure if you know this but Ashley Benson is a fitness leader…I mean that’s the impression I am getting when watching her fitness videos on instagram for her absurd amount of fans, because TV, in the event you didn’t know, still has a stamp of approval on these instagram social media whores that makes them stand out from the other social media whores….allowing them to command bigger budgets when they promote protein powders or skinny teas… The fact is that Ashley Benson is not actually fit, she’s a tubby thing with big tubby tits and a nice thick double chin….but if she works out on social media like Kate Upton people are dumb enough to believe that she’s actually just muscular in this love your body, no body shaming, body positive world that has allowed her to be celebrated…because dudes jerking off to her are married to fatter chicks…making this seem thin…right.. I just remember being introduced to this character for the first time, it was in Springbreakers because I assumed Harmony Korine would deliver, seeing as I thought he was interesting in 1997, only to see 4 chubby girls in bikinis….everything Spring Break probably is…but everything I don’t want it to be…and apparently 3 years later…not much has changed…but she’s still got the tits. It’s a benefit of being overweight. I guess what it comes down to is – at least she’s trying, thanks to cyberbullying pushing her in the right direction, and it’s better than her getting fat transfers or wearing waist shaping corsets like all these other instagram sluts. Here she is in leggings – looking hot…even though I hate her sloppy.. The post Ashley Benson Fitness Icon of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Ashley Benson Fitness Icon of the Day