Ashley Benson Posing With Burrito of the Day

Ashley Benson’s biggest flaw is her love for Burritos. I mean she’s so fucking into the fuckers that she’s posting pics of her with one like they are on some romantic getaway in Europe. Normally girls don’t eat in public and pretend that they are stuffed after eating a baby carrot, so this kind of behavior is clearly fucking reckless, especailly when I’ve seen her topless, half naked, in bikinis, and all that other good stuff that clearly outlines how she’s a solid 10 pounds too fat…10 pounds she’d lose if she didn’t have romantic love affairs with burritos…the whole thing…quite disappointing…where has our world gone that makes girls think it’s ok to not only eat, but promote eating…I mean maybe I’m just old school and from an era of eating disorders…where the only people posing with food would be those who didn’t actually eat food, just to spin their starving themselves to death storyline…chubby girls loving food because their parents sold them off to the entertainment industry and food is the only thing that feels like a hug to them…isn’t cute, unless you’re into stuffers, which is a fetish that involves watching fat girls eat and eat to get fatter and fatter, which I am not….

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Ashley Benson Posing With Burrito of the Day

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