‘Bachelor In Paradise’ To Require Permission From Production For Sex Welp, horny-azz contestants on ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ now need to ask another adult whether or not they’re allowed to lay it low and spread it wide on set. TMZ reports that now that production is back underway after being put on pause due to Corinne Olympios’ little incident with DeMario Jackson , producers are putting more checks and balances in place so no more “sexual misconduct” accusations or lawsuits come their way. Now, if contestants wanna bang it out, they each have to separately approach a producer and let them know they consent to a sexual encounter with the other contestant(s) they’re trying to get it cracking with. If contestants decide not to get permission to pump privates first, and producers feel like things aren’t exactly on the up and up…they have the right to burst in the room and literally pull the cast members apart mid-smash. FURTHERMORE, producers put a hard cutoff on the amount of drinks cast members get to make sure no one gets too hammered to make decisions they’ll regret or forget. Apparently everyone is limited to only two coctails per hour. SMH. Corinne really sent everyon back to high school with her lil shenanigans . Do you think that production is overreacting a bit…or is this a good decision to cover themselves after last time? WENN/Splash
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Ask Before You Smash: ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ Contestants Now Have To Get Producers’ Approval Before Getting It In