No, I’m not talking about Leonardo DiCaprio. Despite the fact that I am sure he’s more of a puppet than this actual puppet. It’s pretty hard to trust young faced 50 year old model fucker in Hollywood…you know he’s there because some studio exec or Martin Scorcese has his arm elbow deep in his ass…. I am however talking about a real puppet, in this banned in Israel ad, because Israel is the holy land, where 3 of the worlds religions collide in a horrible war zone because a made up god made them disagree on some shit… If you’re not bored or tired or Bar Refaeli, like Bar Refaeli is now that she’s 100, you’ll get excited that they made 3 of her. If you’re like me, you’re energy is better spend on aspiring models trying to get their name out there, because they are more fun, hungry and willing…but more importantly, still under 30 and in their prime.
Read the original here:
Bar Refaeli Fucks Puppets of the Day