And this is just one victim’s story out of an alleged 14… Bill Cosby’s Alleged Rape Victim Speaks Out Hannibal Burress opened a can of worms with his recent stand-up comments about the sordid (and often-ignored) past of Bill Cosby. Whispers of rape allegations have shadowed the comedian for years, but are still widely unknown due to his squeaky-clean family image. However, bolstered by the attention landing back on the assault rumors, one victim is stepping forward to detail exactly what happened to her at the hands of Bill Cosby. Via MailOnline : When comedian Hannibal Buress delivered his recent merciless tongue-lashing at Bill Cosby, calling him a serial ‘rapist’, there was one woman who was paying particularly close attention. When Barbara Bowman was a teenager she was emotionally and sexually abused by the TV star and in an exclusive interview with MailOnline she describes in chilling detail how Cosby manipulated her into believing he was a father figure and took advantage of her youth, vulnerability and yes, even ambition, to have his way with her over and over again. Barbara, now 47, says it’s time to end her code of silence — a silence that at least 13 other victims have followed — spanning three decades. ‘I’m finally revealing all of my full story in hopes that others will learn to read the tell-tale signs of abuse and not wait as long as I did. No one believed me for years. They said Bill would never do that. That it was preposterous. But I’m putting my name out there and standing behind these words, just like Burress. No more code of silence.’ Now, 25 years after the multiple incidents of drugging, sexual assault, and even rape at the hands of the now 77-year-old Cosby, Barbara said: ‘I’ve been silent too long. It’s time to raise a fuss. I’m a real person that this happened to. And it’s taken decades to get over what he did to me. ‘I thank Hannibal Burress for speaking out over and over again, despite the threats from the Industry that it could ruin his career. He is standing up for me and the other women who are too afraid to speak out. Is THAT what he’s doing?? If she says so… Barbara detailed how she was hand-picked to audition with Cosby one-on-one, which escalated to her being hand-picked by him for private acting lessons, which eventually snowballed into him flying her all over the country to meet him backstage at his stand-up shows. In the course of these learning sessions and travel, Bill allegedly made multiple passes at the 17-year-old, which she claims to have been uncomfortable with and initially fought off: Barbara said there were times she’d push him away, but then she’d give in. It was Reno, Nevada. 1986. Cosby’s hotel suite was darkened. ‘He turned out all the lights. It was completely pitch black. He laid me down on the couch and started caressing and touching me all over. Then he put my hand on his penis, covering it with his hand. He had me masturbate him. I couldn’t see what was going on. When it was over, I ran out of the room and threw up. ‘It was so invasive and frightening and humiliating. There was no way I could tell my mother. I couldn’t even admit it to myself. I tried to convince myself that I’d imagined it. That it was a one-time thing, that it wouldn’t happen again. And I was paralyzed with fear. It did happen again. Barbara calls it ‘the apartment incident.’ Hit the flip for more of Barbara’s disturbing story…
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Bill Cosby’s Alleged Assault Victim “Thankful” For Comedian Hannibal Buress’ Comments, Comes Forward With Her Story Of Abuse