There is finally a #freeBritney movement starting up on the internet, thanks to her latest stint in Rehab that people are saying she didn’t want or consent to, and that her father who has had control over her since she shaved her head, in a keep on top of his investment, as she’s an earner…and pretend that the 40 year old needs a legal guardian so that he can police her like a slave owner, because that’s what his Louisiana heritage has taught him to do….I mean he’s also white trash, with money and white trash have been selling their daughters off for generations…so it’s nothing new… What is new, or at least insane is that this has been going on for over a decade, in public, we’ve all watched the prisoner do her dancing monkey thing, as they release calculated stories and social media posts she probably had nothing to do with as they don’t let her have a fucking phone… FINALLY people are saying “shit, maybe this is some dungeon dad abusive situation, that totally favors the dad and family, but doesn’t really work out so good for the person people actually care about”… So to try to stop the conversation on Daddy Spears’ google alerts, he’s released this video as Britney….who he forced into rehab to keep her more sedated than she normally is, to convince you that she’s back…even though a week ago she was about 20 pounds heavier and is for sure in her holding cell being starved out and groomed to get back to earning. It is a sick fucking story, that people have just sat on the sidelines and watched…so you’re all to blame..but I don’t blame you…I know holding women captive, grooming them, and making them your own is the only way you can get laid….I sympathize with you…but Britney’s dad…what an asshole… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Britney Spears Bikini Yoga of the Day appeared first on .
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Britney Spears Bikini Yoga of the Day