I am a fan that cable TV has nudity, it’s the only way TV could really survive when put up against the porn filled internet, because there was a time when you had no choice but to jerk off to Baywatch, phone sex infomercials, and music videos…so it’s progress as a concept…but it still hasn’t happened on network TV, cuz based on the Seinfeld and Cosby porn parody, sitcoms would be better with full penetration. Here’s some nudity from TV…just because I like nudity in all medias… SOME NICHOLE BLOOM CHICK SHOWING YOU HO TO GET ON TV: EMMY ROSSUM HID HER NIPPLES STILL A WHORE: LENA DUNHAM SHOULD HAVE HID HER NIPPLES, STILL A COW : TO KEEP ON TOP OF ALL CABLE NUDITY FOLLOW THIS THREAD IN Madam Meow’s stepFORUM of Love
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Cable TV Nudity of the Day