Cami Morrone was smart enough to get involved in some Love Magazine bullshit, that is their “advent calendar”…that lacks concept, that they think is clever, that uses it girls or aspiring it girls, and that out of 28 days I’ve though two were worth watching, and sure I’m a hater, I hate before I see this shit, but I force myself to watch them in completion to really solidify that I hate the people in the shit, the vibe, the whole fucking thing… So Cami Morrone was cast at the tail end of their biggest marketing push of the year, and she is in lingerie, her body huge titty and amazing, and they are recreating a scene from blade runner…and it’s’s like why remix somehting that is fine just the way it was, it’s not good, or clever…it’s just lazy… It’s like when Love hired their fashion video people they said “Pitch us ideas”…and this particular dude said “I’ll do movie scenes”…not Holiday Scenes…just scenes that don’t need to be redone…because it will be starring a girl who can’t act…in lingerie…and anything with a girl in lingerie is good… Cami Morrone has a banging body, my biggest fail is that she was filming a movie in montreal all fall and I didn’t track her down and throw my semen on her…because I am old, barely have semen, and because that’s considered sexual harrasment…and more interestingly…she’s Robert DeNiro or Al Pacino’s stepdaughter or some shit…and I love stepDaughter’s with huge tits….making her pretty fucking priveledged and annoying, but with tits like this and not being a Hadid or Kardashian…I am a fan of hers…for now… It will take a few more vapid, shameless, attempts at celebrity…making bullshit noise…in a world that doesn’t need more noise…to officially hate her… But I do hate these Love Magazine videos…a lot..and that’s what this is about.. The post Cami Morrone For Love Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Cami Morrone For Love Magazine of the Day