CBS’ Smith Conducts Soft Interview of TSA Chief, Begs Him to ‘De-mythify’ Controversies of Screenings

Labeling the uproar over new TSA screening procedures as a “tempest-in-a-teapot,” Harry Smith avoided pressing TSA chief John Pistole on CBS' “Early Show” Wednesday about the controversies of the new methods. Rather, Smith deferred to asking Pistole to explain the process further and “de-mythify” false rumors. “There are so many myths about this, not the least of which is 'Well you know, the TSA guy, he's standing there, he can see your – you know what',” Smith told Pistole Wednesday on CBS' “The Early Show.” Smith asked Pistole to “De-mythify this process a moment” and clarify that “somebody is in another room looking at this stuff. They never see your face.” “That is misinformation,” Pistole responded to the “myths” Smith referred to.

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