ChitChatter: Karrueche Spills The Beans On Breezy To VIBE Magazine “He Will Always Be A Friend”

Karrueche Tran hasn’t had much to say about her lil love triangle. Until now. The aspiring fashion designer opened up in a new interview with VIBE and revealed lots about her career as a stylist and fashion designer as well as her relationship with Chris Brown and The Kill, the unisex fashion line they’re collaborating on. Here are some excerpts from her interview with VIBE : VIBE: How did you come up with the concepts for your clothing line? Karrueche Tran: Chris [Brown] wanted to do a female line for his men’s line [“Black Pyramid”]. So he asked me to take over and “The Kill” was gonna be a women’s only line but it’s actually unisex. How long have you two been planning this? It’s been a few months. When I first started, I pretty much thought of the name. Then from there, we started making very basic sample t-shirts, hats, beanies and socks. That’s what a lot of people saw online and on Instagram. They saw certain people wearing it, so it created this really big buzz in our very first stages. We got a little bit ahead of ourselves and we wanted to do this really awesome launch on 12/12/12, but we kinda had to slow it down ‘cause things weren’t 100% completely done. That’s why we waited. How is the name “The Kill” representative of your life? I was at home one day and this song “In For The Kill” by La Roux was stuck in my head, so “The Kill” stuck out to me. When people first started hearing about you, you were labeled as “an aspiring model.” Are you still doing that now? I never was an official model. I always tell people I’m not a model but I’ve done modeling. Now I’m signed with a commercial agency, so hopefully that is going to pick up but before I was just doing favors for friends who needed somebody for their lookbook. I could tell you deal well with a lot of pain because of all your tattoos. Describe all the ones you have and what they mean. My first tattoo is in Arabic. It goes down my spine and it says ‘an ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.’ Now on my side, I have a Spanish proverb and it says, ‘A beautiful life does not just happen, it is built daily by prayer, sacrifice, humility and love. May that beautiful life be yours always.’ Wow. Where did you get that from? I honestly just found it. I came across it and said that’s beautiful. I was going through my little tattoo phase so I got that, and I have the big ol’ zipper going down my leg. At least she admits she’s not a real model. Welp. There’s that. Do you think she can have a commercially successful modeling career? Hit the flip for what Kae has to say about how she met Breezy.

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ChitChatter: Karrueche Spills The Beans On Breezy To VIBE Magazine “He Will Always Be A Friend”

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