Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman on Friday had a mutual Obamagasm while cameras rolled on MSNBC’s “Hardball.” As the adorable couple chatted about the Koran burning scandal, and of course blamed the entire controversy on Republicans such as House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Oh.), former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, the Newsweek columnist unashamedly started the love-fest. “Well, sitting there in the press conference today with President Obama, you could almost hear sort of the classical music in the background,” cooed Fineman. “It was a stately thing, and a mature discussion.” “I get you,” echoed Matthews. “This is an Oxford don, he’s so well-turned, he comes in there elegantly, presenting himself elegantly, presenting himself on a very high-level tone.” One imagines both of these so-called journalists needed a cigarette and a shower during the break (video follows with transcript and commentary): HOWARD FINEMAN, NEWSWEEK: Well, sitting there in the press conference today with President Obama, you could almost hear sort of the classical music in the background. You know, I don’t mean to be facetious… CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: No, I get you… FINEMAN: But, you know what I mean. It was a stately thing, and a mature discussion, you could agree or disagree, let’s all be reasonable about this… MATTHEWS: This is an Oxford don, he’s so well turned… FINEMAN: Yeah! MATTHEWS: …he comes in there elegantly, presenting himself elegantly, presenting himself on a very high-level tone… FINEMAN: And he gave a very… MATTHEWS: …against this menagerie… FINEMAN: Yeah! MATTHEWS: …that’s biting at his heals. FINEMAN: That’s why I’m saying, those people that you cited, Boehner and Gingrich and Palin, are not playing the same ballgame that Barack Obama is. MATTHEWS: I shouldn’t them the Three Stooges, they’re a lot smarter than that. I think they know it. They’re not stooges. FINEMAN: Sure they know what they’re doing. MATTHEWS: Stooges are the people that buy their act. Honestly, do you think anyone at MSNBC is the slightest bit embarrassed to see male journalists gushing and fawning over the president this way? Or do the folks running this pathetic “news” outlet share such sentiments and therefore think men behaving like teenage girls is appropriate?
See the rest here:
Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman Have Mutual Obamagasm on Hardball