CHRISTA B ALLEN posts topless pics on instagram, but unlike instagram models she has IMDB and WIKIPEDIA so she must be important… Let’s take a journey into who Christa B. Allen and why her attention seeking hipster style instagram pictures are more than just thirsty instagram modeling but rather brand support, or marketing support to help her career… She started this celebrity thing in 13 Going on 30 in 2004….a movie you probably jerked off to…but she’s probably most proud of being cast “Teenage Girl” in Youth in Revolt in 2009…. TAKE THAT INSTAGRAM MODELS…this girl is legit….and has bee producing variations of topless pics for years now…because getting half naked is considered work. No days off for her, except that getting half naked is hardly working, but it is to these girls…who don’t work. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Christa B Allen Slutty of the Day appeared first on .
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Christa B Allen Slutty of the Day