Clarice Cormier , imagine being named after The Silence of the Lambs….SPOOKY….it’s like that name is so iconic, it barely exists under any other context. I don’t know anyone named Clarice, and in my entire existence I’ve never known a Clarice, and she looks young enough that she was named after the lesbian Jodie Foster….which makes you think that her parents were some kind of white trash weirdos which would explain her nude modeling, or maybe she just designed it as her stage name to seem like she’s more interesting than she actually is…you know giving her names after movies she likes…so mainstream gothic….like her hair. There are just so many weirdos out there getting half naked on the internet – it’s hard to find them interesting even if they try so hard to come across as interesting…with silly outfits whilst living that LA scenester life….it’s all so commercialized…the real “weirdo” or “obscure” or “artist”…wouldn’t be on instagram…being on instagram is against all things punk, edgy, interesting, progressive or cool….just being on that shit makes you lame as fuck and a try hard loser…so keep on trying hard loser… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Clarice Cormier Topless of the Day appeared first on .
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Clarice Cormier Topless of the Day