Claudia Schiffer Guess 30th Anniversary Photoshoot of the Day

Claudia Schiffer is still hot at 40….but for some reason I have trouble saying that…even though I am in my 40s… It is like it goes against everything in my being….the core of who I am…my soul….my morals and values or lack of morals and values….and to admit an above 40 year old is still hot pussy…is like a fucking sin to my religion tha I’m drafting when not too busy masturbating to girls on Facebook… The craziest thing about it is that more and more often than not, I’m seeing 40 or even 50 year old women that are fucking hot….that I want to actually fuck and not just in an I’m drunk, they are bored, recently divorced, unable to get pregnant, very experienced in bed…..and willing to fuck me kind of way…. Either they are getting hotter, staying hotter longer thanks to modern science, or this is what happens when you are old… settle…especially when your fat wife is disgusting to look at…. I don’t know how or why I think these older bitches are hot like I think 20 year old pussy is hot….but I guess I’m maturing into a seasoned pervert that appreciates all pussy ….more than just being willing to fuck all pussy…. But then again, this is Claudia Schiffer, it is a pro ad campaign for Guess? 30 years…..she is a model….shee was never disgusting or bottom feeding like i used to think 98 percent of moms in their 40s were…she’s kinda in a different league at all ages. I’m so accepting of old pussy. I’m a hero who breaks down boundaries…

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Claudia Schiffer Guess 30th Anniversary Photoshoot of the Day

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