Demi Lovato is one of those “love your body” ambassadors who has come to the forefront of women’s rights in the last 2-3 years, and I think these pictures are a good example why…. It’s never the hot skinny girls saying “love your body”….trying to make fat girls everywhere support them and buy into their bullshit…it’s always the loud chubby girls who are tired of trying to be skinny because their body types don’t allow them to be skinny and if the market wants them to be skinny they actually have to work at it…when they can make as much money not working at it…if they do the relatable “jsut be fat because that’s who you are”…. I think it’s safe to say, she’s better in her spanx leggings in concert…but even that’s still pretty gross, if you think fat dyke bi polar mexicans exploiting their fans while fucking FES from that 70s show, who has fucked everything are gross…which you should…and this should help…unless you’re into what looks like 45 year old mom body… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS
Demi Lovato’s Loving her Body in St Barts of the Day