Demi Lovato is on the hustle, the body positive, no make-up, bisexual, gender fluid, or whatever other catch phrase her team pulled from google trends she’s trying to pretend sh is posted a couple of pictures.. One of her ass in leggings, like a straight up butt shot in leggigns and the other some lingerie photoshoot with what looks like an erased / cartoon face… Both contradict her whole “fat chick, fat power” strategy of last year and all it took was getting dumped to remind her that she’s a vapid cunt who wants to look good, raised in Hollywood, bring it… Because nothing going on in these pics support her “no make-up”…”just be you”…”don’t give into body norms”.. She’s showing her ass and tits whole wearing make up saying “Objectify me…and appreciate that I’ve lost 20 lbs”. I don’t believe anything any of these idiots’s all fake news but lucky for them…PEOPLE buy into the nonsense hard. The post Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day appeared first on .
Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day