Tag Archives: google-trends

Coco for Breast Cancer Awareness of the Day

Remember Coco? Well she’s out there promoting breast cancer with some of the most amazingly funny breast implants…that remind me of an era long gone…the trashy stripper chick who jacks up her face and body for rappers…that I guess isn’t all that different that what”s going on in social media today…but the girls jacking up their faces and bodies for rappers don’t have bleached blonde hair, they just have real fucking tans, looking like they are arab or something, even though their all white all the time, and the rappers are just there to sell more records…cuz they saw what girl did with her cosmetics line… That said, as trashy and silly as COCO is, or as funny as this strapless bra she doesn’t need because her tits are filled with helium, I’m old and remember when Coco was out there keeping busy trying to build up her brand around her booty and for that reason alone we must celebrate whatever the fuck this is. The post Coco for Breast Cancer Awareness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the article here:
Coco for Breast Cancer Awareness of the Day

Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day

Demi Lovato is on the hustle, the body positive, no make-up, bisexual, gender fluid, or whatever other catch phrase her team pulled from google trends she’s trying to pretend sh is posted a couple of pictures.. One of her ass in leggings, like a straight up butt shot in leggigns and the other some lingerie photoshoot with what looks like an erased / cartoon face… Both contradict her whole “fat chick, fat power” strategy of last year and all it took was getting dumped to remind her that she’s a vapid cunt who wants to look good, raised in Hollywood, bring it… Because nothing going on in these pics support her “no make-up”…”just be you”…”don’t give into body norms”.. She’s showing her ass and tits whole wearing make up saying “Objectify me…and appreciate that I’ve lost 20 lbs”. I don’t believe anything any of these idiots pull..it’s all fake news but lucky for them…PEOPLE buy into the nonsense hard. The post Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day

Drug Driving Equipment to be Tested

The government is planning trials of equipment which would test drivers under the influence of drugs. The move could lead to a roll-out of the technology across police forces within two years. Manufacturers are to be given specifications for the devices by the end of September. It follows publication of a review into the problem of drug driving, which concluded that major changes were needed. At the moment police first need a doctor to decide whether the suspect has a “condition which might be due to a drug,” and then for a blood test to be carried out. Getting a doctor to the police station and the examination itself both take time – and could mean the drugs have left the suspect's system before the blood sample is taken. The government now says it will give manufacturers specifications for new testing equipment by the end of September. The resultant products are set to be trialled in police stations within a year and then rolled out to forces within two years. Road Safety Minister, Mike Penning said: “It is vital that the police have the tools they need to tackle those who drive while impaired by drugs. more at link… This is the creeping tyranny they're going to piggyback with their legalization of marijuana, even though weed is the least worry when driving, its the prescription pills and alcohol, which are both legal already. Since marijuana stays in your system for 30 days, you can get arrested tomorrow for the joint you smoked yesterday. Watch American Drug War and How Weed Won the West on my page: www.current.com/groups/conspiracy-films added by: rodstradamus

President Obama target game: Secret Service investigating company for Obama target shooting game – mcall.com

WOW, doesn't the secret service have enough to do with all the nuts out there? Now we got some real creeps doing this. added by: kennymotown

Poison Tap Water Makes Number 1 Google Search

Poison tap water has become the number one trending search term on Google Trends today after our efforts to bring attention to how sodium fluoride in tap water is a deadly health threat went viral. The subject hit “volcanic” status shortly after Alex Jones launched the new anti-fluoride campaign on his show today. However, Google appears to be censoring the Prison Planet story we wrote on the subject from appearing in its news section. The story appears under a routine Google search but is apparently being blocked from the news aggregator, thereby preventing people who see the “poison tap water” search trend from finding out more information about the subject. Alex Jones is launching a new campaign to inform the public about the toxic chemical fluoride being added to tap water across the country. While EPA scientists and workers are calling for an end to water fluoridation, the government is doing everything in its power to continue and even increase the amount of toxic chemicals being added to public water supplies. The flyer listed above is a tool that can be used to get the message out about this serious crime against the people. Fluoride is a toxic poison that has known serious side effects. Spread the word. Post this flyer in legal, easily visible locations. Pass it out to friends, family, and people you meet. Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Thursday, August 5, 2010 Do the research…it may save your life. Knowledge is power, help fight the information war and defeat the New World Order. These are real environmental issues, not like fake carbon dioxide AGW global warming Ponzi-scheme. added by: rodstradamus

How Justin Bieber Caught a Contagious Syphilis Rumor [Anatomy Of A Rumor]

Like all great internet hijinx, it started 4chan ‘s anarchic /b/ message board. Late Sunday—shortly after Bieber was photographed with visible nipples and Kim Kardashian —bored 4chan users ” Justin Bieber Syphilis” to the top of Google Trends . More

The World’s Tallest Tower Opens

• The World’s Tallest Tower Opens • Dude, You’re Doing It Wrong • 5 New Years Resolutions You Won’t Keep • Melissa Satta Sweet Booty In A Bikini • The Warren Beatty Sex Chart • Google Trends: Worst Day Ever • Bar Refaeli Lingerie Hotness Continue reading

Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes!

Google Trends is full of turkey recipes right now, which worries me on behalf of my vegetarian brethren, many of whom are gonna get stuck with, like, cranberry sauce and warm tofu for dinner tomorrow. Here are a few alternative suggestions, in case you have a vegetarian or vegan coming to Thanksgiving dinner.

Read more:
Vegetarian Thanksgiving Recipes!

Drunk Guy Opens a Bottle of Wine with His Shoe

This guy wins at life and possesses skills that will obviously take him very, very far. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Top 5 Buzz List – Nov 3rd

These are the top posts from Tuesday, November 3, 2009. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment