#KNOWYOURSTATUS: Grady Hospital’s Shocking Details, HIV/AIDS Cases Increase Daily WOTSN can not stress enough how important it is to know your status. According to Atlanta’s NPR…
Gotta let it burn … Health officials are warning about a “super” strain of gonorrhea that is now sweeping the globe: Scientists first discovered the antibiotic-resistant version of the sexually transmitted disease in Japan in 2008, and are worried about it spreading after cases cropped up in Australia, France, Norway, Sweden and Britain, the Associated Press reported. “This organism has basically been developing resistance against every medication we’ve thrown at it,” Dr. Manjula Lusti-Narasimhan, a scientist in the World Health Organization’s department of sexually transmitted diseases, told the AP. “In a couple of years it will have become resistant to every treatment option we have available now,” she said. Gonorrhea, sometimes known as the clap, is the second most common STD in the world after chlamydia, with some 106 million cases reported worldwide each year and about 700,000 in the U.S. It typically causes abdominal pain, discharge and painful urination. If left untreated, it can lead to more serious conditions such as birth defects and fetus death. It’s usually knocked out by a group of antibiotics known as cephalosporins, which can be taken orally or injected. But scientists say the meds have been no match for the new “superbug.” Experts don’t know how wide the antibiotic-resistant strain has spread. “The available data only shows the tip of the iceberg,” Lusti-Narasimhan said. Even worse, the mutated strain doesn’t cause the telltale symptoms typically associated with regular gonorrhea. “They used to say that if you have urethral gonorrhea [and you went to the bathroom], it would be like passing razor blades. It was that painful,” Francis Ndowa, the WHO’s former head specialist on STDs. Forget zombies eating your face off, worry about “Super Gonorrhea” eating away at your private parts because your dumb azz didn’t choose to wrap it up and get tested! This is no jokes folks! WRAP IT UP! Spurce
Like all great internet hijinx, it started 4chan ‘s anarchic /b/ message board. Late Sunday—shortly after Bieber was photographed with visible nipples and Kim Kardashian —bored 4chan users ” Justin Bieber Syphilis” to the top of Google Trends . More