Tag Archives: defeat-the-new

President Obama target game: Secret Service investigating company for Obama target shooting game – mcall.com

WOW, doesn't the secret service have enough to do with all the nuts out there? Now we got some real creeps doing this. added by: kennymotown

Poison Tap Water Makes Number 1 Google Search

Poison tap water has become the number one trending search term on Google Trends today after our efforts to bring attention to how sodium fluoride in tap water is a deadly health threat went viral. The subject hit “volcanic” status shortly after Alex Jones launched the new anti-fluoride campaign on his show today. However, Google appears to be censoring the Prison Planet story we wrote on the subject from appearing in its news section. The story appears under a routine Google search but is apparently being blocked from the news aggregator, thereby preventing people who see the “poison tap water” search trend from finding out more information about the subject. Alex Jones is launching a new campaign to inform the public about the toxic chemical fluoride being added to tap water across the country. While EPA scientists and workers are calling for an end to water fluoridation, the government is doing everything in its power to continue and even increase the amount of toxic chemicals being added to public water supplies. The flyer listed above is a tool that can be used to get the message out about this serious crime against the people. Fluoride is a toxic poison that has known serious side effects. Spread the word. Post this flyer in legal, easily visible locations. Pass it out to friends, family, and people you meet. Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Thursday, August 5, 2010 Do the research…it may save your life. Knowledge is power, help fight the information war and defeat the New World Order. These are real environmental issues, not like fake carbon dioxide AGW global warming Ponzi-scheme. added by: rodstradamus