That is a REALLY lame book title Schwarzy… Arnold Schwarzenegger Leaves Out Steamy Details About Affair With Mildred Baena In Totall Recall Book According to TMZ reports : Looking to relive her adulterous glory days, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby madre Mildred Baena has decided to read Arnie’s tell-all book “Total Recall” … but the problem is, Arnie didn’t really tell all. Mildred shamelessly brought the book out to a cafe in Bakersfield yesterday — in full view of a photog who just happened to be there — where she may have finally learned that the steamiest parts of her affair were CHOPPED from the final version. Seriously … when Arnold brings up Mildred in “Recall,” he goes from “she worked in the house” right to “when she gave birth to the kid” … completely blowing off the dirty details of the courtship. Here’s the exact passage: “Mildred had been working in our household for 5 years and all of the sudden we were alone in the guest house. When Mildred gave birth the following August, she named the baby Joseph.” What the hell was the purpose of writing the book if you weren’t gonna let us in on the dirt?! The adulterous cat is already out of the bag, you might as well just put it out there. Besides, inquiring minds want to know how the HELL you ended up choppin’ down this ug-…”unfortunate” lookin’ lady when you could have any any thirst-bucket broad in Hollyweird?!?! Image via WENN/Twitter