Get the highlights from the final ‘Teen Wolf’ San Diego Comic-Con panel!
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10 Highlights From the Final Teen Wolf Comic-Con Panel
Get the highlights from the final ‘Teen Wolf’ San Diego Comic-Con panel!
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10 Highlights From the Final Teen Wolf Comic-Con Panel
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So as everyone on the East Coast of the United States was recovering from the final “Scandal” episode of the year….that girl Beyonce (who is…
Let The Beyhive Rejoice: Queen Beyonce Drops New Music And Videos Out Of The Blue [VIDEO PREVIEWS]
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So as everyone on the East Coast of the United States was recovering from the final “Scandal” episode of the year….that girl Beyonce (who is…
Let The Beyhive Rejoice: Queen Beyonce Drops New Music And Videos Out Of The Blue [VIDEO PREVIEWS]
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That is a REALLY lame book title Schwarzy… Arnold Schwarzenegger Leaves Out Steamy Details About Affair With Mildred Baena In Totall Recall Book According to TMZ reports : Looking to relive her adulterous glory days, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby madre Mildred Baena has decided to read Arnie’s tell-all book “Total Recall” … but the problem is, Arnie didn’t really tell all. Mildred shamelessly brought the book out to a cafe in Bakersfield yesterday — in full view of a photog who just happened to be there — where she may have finally learned that the steamiest parts of her affair were CHOPPED from the final version. Seriously … when Arnold brings up Mildred in “Recall,” he goes from “she worked in the house” right to “when she gave birth to the kid” … completely blowing off the dirty details of the courtship. Here’s the exact passage: “Mildred had been working in our household for 5 years and all of the sudden we were alone in the guest house. When Mildred gave birth the following August, she named the baby Joseph.” What the hell was the purpose of writing the book if you weren’t gonna let us in on the dirt?! The adulterous cat is already out of the bag, you might as well just put it out there. Besides, inquiring minds want to know how the HELL you ended up choppin’ down this ug-…”unfortunate” lookin’ lady when you could have any any thirst-bucket broad in Hollyweird?!?! Image via WENN/Twitter
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged celeb news, crazy videos, for your information, from-the-final, House, mildred, schwarzenegger, steamy-details
The Breaking Dawn Part 2 media blitz is officially in full swing. With the conclusion to The Twilight Saga hitting theaters in just six weeks, Summit Entertainment is ramping up its promotional efforts. Earlier today, the studio released the final poster for this epic follow-up; and now it’s given us four fresh images from the final installment, most of which focus on the new – and improved? – Bella Swan. Click around below to enlarge photos of this new vampire, snuggling up to Edward ( Robert Pattinson ), preparing to pounce of prey and putting on her serious arm-wrestling face… The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 comes out on November 16.
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Breaking Dawn Photos: The New Bella…
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Attention, Twihards: stop bidding on the Breaking Dawn sex pillow and feast your eyes on the following photos. Summit Entertainment has released a pair of new photos from the final Twilight Saga installment – first posted by our friends at Movie Fanatic – and we’ve got your early look below. It’s not an especially exciting early look, we grant you, it’s just a glimpse at the newly-married Cullens and at Taylor Lautner as Jacob. But since when has anyone minded staring at these three, right? That’s what we figured… Last month, Summit also unveiled the first Breaking Dawn Part 2 trailer , featuring Bella as a vampire. It’s rather awesome. The Twilight Saga concludes on November 16.
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Breaking Dawn Part 2 Pics: Edward! Bella! Jacob!
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Tagged celeb news, from-the-final, Gossip, minded-staring, purposes, Selena Gomez, twilight-saga, Videos
“We must treat these dog characters with the same respect we show human characters… no condescension, no looking down, no breaking character for the sake of a gag.” And that, my friends, is part of the reason why Walt Disney’s legacy on film has stood the test of time. After the jump, find deleted scenes and a nifty video culling notes from Disney’s story meetings with collaborators on 1955’s Lady and the Tramp . In newly released deleted scenes (found on the Lady and the Tramp Diamond Edition DVD and Blu-ray, out today), envision what might have been via sketched storyboards for moments that didn’t make it into the final cut. Scrapped from the final film, Russian wolfhound Boris was at one point to em-bark (groan!) in a love triangle with Lady and Tramp. At this point in development, the character of Tramp was called Homer. Deleted Scene: “Boris meets Lady” Lady’s troubles begin when owners Jim Dear and Darling find they’re expecting a baby and no longer can give her their full attention, but in this deleted scene Lady shares in her master’s excitement. Deleted Scene: “Waiting for Baby” Fascinating character development chat abounds in this dramatic recreation of Disney’s story meetings on crafting the character of Lady, based on original transcripts. “Creating Lady” And a brief peek inside the process of developing the Beaver character, envisioned as a near-sighted salesman caricature — “A satire on the 21st century and what they think up…” “Creating Beaver” Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .
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New Lady and the Tramp Clips Reveal Character Creation, Doggy Love Triangle
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Tagged Actors, boris, celeb news, character, creepy, directorial, friends, from-the-final, Hollywood, invalid, jim dear, newswire, stars, TMZ
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Source: Elder of Ziyon Haaretz reports: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for meeting freed Palestinian terrorist Amna Muna during a visit to Turkey on Wednesday. Muna, who was freed to Turkey during the first stage of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange swap with Hamas, was serving a life sentence for her part in the murder of Ofir Rahum, an Israeli teen… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Discovery Date : 21/12/2011 10:30 Number of articles : 2
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV, Videos
Tagged another-glee, context, deleted-scene, from-the-final, holiday-classic, Hollywood, video, ziyon-haaretz
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We are not here to once again debate the merits of this year’s Glee Christmas episode. You may do that by jumping in to our most recent Round Table discussion . Instead, we’re here to post a performance that was deleted from the installment, as Naya Rivera got her sexy Santa on for a rendition of a holiday classic that was cut from the final, edited broadcast. Watch now as Santana and Finn frequent… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Donkey Dish Discovery Date : 21/12/2011 17:38 Number of articles : 2
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV, Videos
Tagged another-glee, christmas-song, deleted-scene, donkey-dish, from-the-final, holiday-classic, Hollywood, invalid, round-table, sexy, video
This is it . The moment we have all been waiting for. It came down to a blowout and a 2 point win. What started out as March Madness, the Sweet Sixteen, the Elite Eight and the Final Four is now down to the Terrific Two. Ok, I just made that last one up, but either way, we’re down to the two top teams in the NCAA Mens Basketball Bracket. The NCAA Championship game will be between Duke and Butler. The Duke vs West Virginia game turned out to be a blowout with Duke rallying West Virginia 78 – 57. On the other hand, the Butler vs Michigan game came down to the last second with Butler pulling away from Michigan 52 – 50. The 2010 Championship game will be between Butler vs Duke. Who had that on their brackets? Highlights from the Final Four games are available. The 2010 NCAA Championship game between Duke vs Butler will be held on April 5, 2010. Monday at 9:21pm EST Ticket info available online. 2010 NCAA Final Four Results Butler vs Duke NCAA Championship Game 2010 is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading