Dylan Penn is Sean Penn’s daughter…she’s a model..which was apparently a really difficult job to get being Sean Penn’s daughter…he hasn’t been in Hollywood for the last 30 years and he doesn’t have a recognizable name, or any connections with massive agents, that he could call to say “hey my daughter’s not into school, or doing anything of substance in her life, and I’ve got enough money to give her so she doesn’t need to work, can you get her some modelling gigs to validate her, yes I know everyone is a model thanks to instagram, but just make her a legit one so she doesn’t feel left out by her other rich, vapid, useless model because they are rich…friends”….that is my Sean Penn impression, it is not the future, but connected brats being models is…and that’s not to say Dylan Penn doesn’t deserve the attention because the cum that made her is A List…it’s to say there are hotter girls out there who are better suited for this, but just not as interesting because they don’t have connected parents…and more importantly, any girl who aspires to be a model – is garbage you should promise things to…but only if she lets you pee on her…so you always have the upper hand…
Excerpt from:
Dylan Penn for L’Officiel Italia of the Day