Ellie Goulding and the Pretty Little Liars Tits at MTV Europe of the DAy

MTV Europe had a bullshit award show that means absolutely nothing to anyone in the industry, but that I guess is just another excuse to celebrate and market these idiots who have already won …and there were tits in attendance because it is Europe and Europe loves tits…and tits love award shows..it is that stamp of approval their dad never gave them… I guess the Pretty Little Liars show, that is hugely popular with kids here…is being pushed in Europe so they sent over their Canadian cast member, who is on her own publicity campaign to separate herself from the show and do her own tween thing for her tween fans, and she is doing it with her tits… I’ve heard of people who grew up with her saying she was a diva cunt, even before she was famous or on TV, and I guess you need to be a diva cunt to pull off this scam being pulled off…not the showing of her tits…but the thinking she deserves to get paid stupid money to pretend she’s someone else on screen in something that requires little to no talent… TO SEE MORE SHAY MITCHELL IN THIS DRESS CLICK HERE TO SEE ASHLEY BENSON CHUBBY IN A DRESS CLICK HERE Singer ELLIE GOULDING was also there… TO SEE ELLIE GOULDING TITS IN A DRESS CLICK HERE The post Ellie Goulding and the Pretty Little Liars Tits at MTV Europe of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Ellie Goulding and the Pretty Little Liars Tits at MTV Europe of the DAy

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