Em Rat Cow is the kind of self involved narcissist fuck who has really tricked people and brands with money to think that she’s relevant. She gets fucking paid and nothing she does is that interesting or great. I guess this is her trying to polarize herself as more than just tits, because apparently now that she’s near 30, she’s got a bit of an ass too, at least when she photoshops herself. She is barely hot, she’s definitely not interesting, but you gotta semi respect her hustle that is hardly a hustle. She goes to events she probably dreamt about going to as a kid, and all it took to get there was showing her tits. Pretty solid strategy when you think about just how much effort it goes into making money for normal people. If it was just as easy for us like it is for her, life would probably be better, but not really, since all these idiots are miserable. Just chasing meaningless nonsense. She does have great tits, real or not, who cares, cuz Rat COw as a whole is so fucking low quality fake that it cancels them out…. She was smart enough to leverage the audience and how stupid they are by starting a shit brand to sell to them….rather than just get paid by brands, you make more money with your own….so that’s what this is probably for…I mean that and boring the fuck out of us. Get some creative direction, maybe some concept you lazy cunt. Here she is #metoo’ing Ashley Graham and her unborn child. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Em Rat Cow Bikini Porno of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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Em Rat Cow Bikini Porno of the Day