Emily Ratajkoski brought her overrated bird face and big tits to the Guy’s Choice Awards, which are basically some bullshit marketing stunt to generate revenue for whoever the fuck puts them on, and that celebrate nonsense for no reason other than that the person was able to attend the event or more importantly, their tits get hits and having them part of their bullshit is good for business…and in Emrata’s case, any media coverage is good for her, since she’s faded into obscurity, her internet fame still in existent but hardly as relevant as she was this time last year…let’s hope she made millions so she can ride those 5 minutes for the rest of her life, or maybe we should hope she made nothing so that she turns to porn. I don’t hate her or her fake everything, I just don’t think she’s a good person, but rather an entitled cunt who was given all her dreams and forgets people along the way, because cunts feel as though they deserve any and all fame they may get… The whole thing is silly, but not as silly as the guy’s choice awards….as a concept and I’m sure as a show to watch on TV…a total waste of time…and remember watching anything called “guy choice” makes you a gay… #450324894 / gettyimages.com #450269106 / gettyimages.com #450254168 / gettyimages.com #450254264 / gettyimages.com There were other hookers there…so TO SEE ALL THE GUY’S CHOICE AWARDS PICS CLICK HERE
Emily Ratajkoski and the Guys Choice Awards Happened of the Day