Emma Stone Tits Fucking Justin Theroux of the Day

Emma Stone is a very highly paid actress…something I will never understand because her face annoys the fuck out of me. Her mouth annoys the fuck out of me. She annoys the fuck out of me…and really she’s not even good in movies…I don’t know what created all the hype, or why people are into her, or what made her exist…even that Oscar she won was a full fucking scam. Her singing was shit, her dancing was shit, if I want to see some quirky nerdy girl doing song and dance, I don’t need it to be some huge hollywood budget, hyped up nonsense…with a WEAK story that for some reason people celebrated. Probably the “LAUGH TRACK” theory of tell people to laugh and they laugh, tell them it’s good and it’s good… Either way, she’s a homewrecker, along with Oscar winner for a movie role that sucked, as all her movie roles suck, while she fumbles with her lines due to her mouth and it’s speech impediment…and she’s now fucking Jennifer Aniston’s ex, because I guess Jennifer Aniston has her own qualities about her that make people run from her, when we can collectively agree all female actors with success are cunts… Cunts that have tits, and here’s her tits…

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Emma Stone Tits Fucking Justin Theroux of the Day

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