Emrata’s Boring Ass Pic for Instagram of the Day

The worst thing about Emily Ratajkowski is that her social climbing whoring worked out for her. I am a much bigger fan of what the social climbing doesn’t work out for a bitch and she ends up working at the stripCLUB, or worst, a waitress or GoGo dancer at the club, because you know they pretend they like it, or that it is good money, and they pretend like they are hot shit and too good to talk to you, but really you know, and they know they are failures who need to get the fuck out…and if you position yourself as the guy who can help them…the’ll do anything for you…while girls like Emily Ratajkowski think they did this on their own, and ignore people like me, who I am pretty sure was one of the first people giving her hype, but now she’s just too fucking cool for school, cuz she’s naked in a fucking music video and milking that like all the cock she’s milked before…unfortunately none of them were mine, but one of them was rumored to be Kanye…and the sick thing in all this, is that I’m still totally down with writing her love letters, songs and poetry to perform for her the day it all falls apart for her, when she’s no longer 20, hot bodied and desired…I’m a bottom feeder like that….

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Emrata’s Boring Ass Pic for Instagram of the Day

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