Tag Archives: social-climbing

Morning in Florida and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Throws Coffee on Customer I heard about this Zombie Nativity Scene Last Week and It’s Amazing Californian Cop Shoots Unarmed Drunk Driver in the Neck after he Flipped His car in an accident that killed his wife… The Well of Death Hilarious Police Training Video Nothing Says Christmas Like a Driveby Shooting Car Accident View of People Not Wearing their Seatbelt…Crazy The post Morning in Florida and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Morning in Florida and Other Videos of the Day

The First Look at Ghostbusters The Menstrual Cycle Years of the Day

I love how feminists, or people who call themselves feminists, since I like to think of myself as a feminist, who celebrates women everyday, even if I tell them that their only purpose is to make me cum, and once I’ve cum I’m done with them…unless of course they’re making a sandwich….or dinner..etc. The word “misogynist”…is just so overused, thrown out as quickly as a rape accusation that never goes to court…but that labels a poor drunk guy who banged a drunk girl with regrets.. Yes, I know sometimes it is actual rape…that’s why you need consent forms before sex. Cover your asses… So people get all mad that they are using a girl cast in Ghostbusters, because film companies know that the market is female and that only girls pay to go to movies….if you notice all content is designed for women now. They don’t understand that remaking ghostbusters is a terrible idea, not to mention casting women is an even worst idea…and sure people will watch it “just because”…but that doesn’t mean it’s worth seeing. It’s one of those “let’s see how bad this is”…when the resources could have gone into doing something good…idiots So am I a woman hater because I think girl ghostbusters on their periods, killing Ghosts with PMS, is a bad idea in a Ghostbuster remake? I doubt it….I am a woman hater because my mom never breast fed me, she was too busy sleeping around… I am not actually a woman hater, I am a Ghostbusters remake hater….but you can call me a misogynist – I get that all the time and have been getting that since the late 90s….and I’m fine with it… The post The First Look at Ghostbusters The Menstrual Cycle Years of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

The rest is here:
The First Look at Ghostbusters The Menstrual Cycle Years of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach Nipples at the Star Wars Premiere of the Day

I didn’t like Star Wars in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 10s, or today…I didn’t understand the hype, or other kids went crazy for it…which I guess has been a theme my entire life. I only liked the incest storyline, because incest is the fucking best…other than that, I just ignored it. I knew kids who played with Star Wars toys, I’d bully them and tell them how fucking stupid they were, but it was a losing batter, I was outnumbered and realized that day that the general public will buy anything sold to them, that others accept, because they are lemming drones… That said, the 4 billion dollar buy out of Star Wars by Disney, is officially releasing their movie at midnight tonight, and nerds everywhere aren’t reading this, they are too busy rocking their austistic heads back and forth in excitement…they just can’t deal.. Kelly Rohrbach, a Sports Illustrated model, what n case you didn’t know means low level model who just happened to land model lover Leonardo DiCaprio through positioning, realized that this event, was the one to wear a see through shirt to, because nerds, a very loyal audience, will be watching. We call this strategic media planning. She’s clearly got a good team and/or logic on her side… Either way, the only way I can tie this back to Star Wars, is saying that I’d fuck her if she was my sister, only to punish her for the family for being everything I hate and that her social climbing represents.. Good fake tits though…. TO SEE MORE PICS FROM THE MEDIA EVENT OF THE YEAR – THE STAR WARS PREMIERE CLICK HERE The post Kelly Rohrbach Nipples at the Star Wars Premiere of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
Kelly Rohrbach Nipples at the Star Wars Premiere of the Day

Some Never Before Seen Madonna Nudes of the Day

The story goes like this…in 1977 Madonna wasn’t Madonna yet and she, like so many girls before her and after her who have tits and a vagina, decided to do some nude photos, whether to help pay the rent, or because she thought she was hot enough and it made her feel appreciated, or maybe she was trying to leverage herself into some sort of next level…and what it comes down is her motivation doesn’t matter. I am just glad it happened…. I wonder why it took so long for these pics to be released, I would have been up on this when she was at her peak, not when she peaked in terms of age…..I mean she’s got an awesome fucking bush…that should have been shared years ago…and not now that we need to wish had a time machine to appreciate the social climbing fame whore that was.. This is kinda like jerking off to your grandma’s bikini pics….it’s almost as though we’re not even looking at the same fucking person…but 1977 was a good year and more importantly I like how it reminds us how old as fuck Madonna is…

Excerpt from:
Some Never Before Seen Madonna Nudes of the Day

Emrata’s Boring Ass Pic for Instagram of the Day

The worst thing about Emily Ratajkowski is that her social climbing whoring worked out for her. I am a much bigger fan of what the social climbing doesn’t work out for a bitch and she ends up working at the stripCLUB, or worst, a waitress or GoGo dancer at the club, because you know they pretend they like it, or that it is good money, and they pretend like they are hot shit and too good to talk to you, but really you know, and they know they are failures who need to get the fuck out…and if you position yourself as the guy who can help them…the’ll do anything for you…while girls like Emily Ratajkowski think they did this on their own, and ignore people like me, who I am pretty sure was one of the first people giving her hype, but now she’s just too fucking cool for school, cuz she’s naked in a fucking music video and milking that like all the cock she’s milked before…unfortunately none of them were mine, but one of them was rumored to be Kanye…and the sick thing in all this, is that I’m still totally down with writing her love letters, songs and poetry to perform for her the day it all falls apart for her, when she’s no longer 20, hot bodied and desired…I’m a bottom feeder like that….

Go here to read the rest:
Emrata’s Boring Ass Pic for Instagram of the Day

Taylor Swift for November’s Glamour Magazine of the Day

Taylor Swift has this wholeseome image cuz it sells records. The reality is that she’s a dirty Hollywood chick who fucks rockstars who fuck everyone and she has probably done anal…a lot….which doesn’t bother me…because I like hookers and sluts…I just get annoyed when people bullshit us… What we do know about her is that she banged some dudes who definitely have herpes, like John Mayer…and we know that she’s currently on the cusp of sex offending…dating some 18 year old Kennedy…so creepily that she bought his neighbor’s house to lock him in….and the whole thing is fucking insane to anyone with a brain…but so cute and beautiful for the suckers who buy into her act. She’s doing Glamour magazine and I think it’d be more appropriate if this was Hustler in the 80s….but we can’t always get what we want…and people aren’t always portrayed the way they should be…. Here are the pics.

See more here:
Taylor Swift for November’s Glamour Magazine of the Day

Sky Ferreira Tongue for Terry Richardson of the Day

I was friendly with Sky Ferreira before she had a record deal and was on this fashionable rise to the top and she was always a friend to the site….sure now that she’s getting famous and becoming an It girl she has no time for me…and sure I get mad and call her out for being a social climbing devil who has no time for me and who refuses to buy my soul…but that doesn’t mean that I can’t still love her and her young, non-naked body…even if I don’t love her attitude, music, or pretty much anything but her tongue…all blue and wet….reminding me that you don’t have to be naked to be pornographic enough to masturbate to.

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Sky Ferreira Tongue for Terry Richardson of the Day