Alexis Ren with her bolt ons in a bikini with a surf board, who’s she trying to be, Anastasia Ashley ??? Here she is beat up by her pimp or just in makeup faking being beat up by her pimp because these hoes don’t know how to act right JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Alexis Ren Bolt Ons in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on .
Caroline Vreeland is some LA scenester with MONSTER tits….but a weirdly shaped body that without the tits would remind you of your old uncle. She has been trying to get famous for as long as the internet was invented…I’ve been following her on social media over the years because of the MONSTER TITS, but I actually never see her in my feed, that damn Algorithm is fucking up these girls and their dreams… Anyway, she’s managed to leverage a relative’s name, which is rumored to be a very BIG name in the fashion world, like her distant relative was a high up editor of Vogue, like Anna Wintour of today’s generation…. So this is like Anna Wintour’s “great grand daughter’s cousin by marriage’s sister” – started going to fashion shows and events with her influencer BFF as the plus 1 pulling her tits out on social media and as the plus 1 in the paparazzi pics – Finally got into magazines cuz the hustle finally worked, I guess…irrelevant for some reason getting some relevance…with the tits out… It’s a time to celebrate by staring at these huge tits. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Caroline Vreeland Naked and Sucking It In of the Day appeared first on .
Oana Gregory is the first Romanian to work for The Walt Disney Company…..and she looks pretty Romanian to me. You see I know Gypsies and Circus performers when I see one…. She is in a bikini, this is what all the YOUTHS do….at 23 and still not famous beyond her Disney work, girl needs to go deeper with the half nakedness to get seen….noticed…followers…to hopefully leverage her legit work into INSTAGRAM work…and all it takes is bikini pics. Not acting school. Not sucking dick at castings. Not an education…just slutty selfies…which is a clever generation…why work towards shit when you don’t have to. It seems redundant. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Oana Gregory Erotica of the Day appeared first on .
Sofia Richie is out with the Kardashians on some Kardashian journey into the depths of hell disguised as rich, luxury, media empire owning garbage. She is the cast member on the show, who has been in the process of muppeteering herself harder than Jim Hensen…because it’s part of the employee perks…some people get health Insureance, the Kardashian give you fillers… The whole thing is a lame, Boring, uninteresting pile of clickbait fake news shit… But at least she’s not an official Kardashian. Just some new used up blood to promote, leverage and utilize their bullshit. It amazes me that people Caden about the Kardashians, but it doesn’t amaze me that this rich kid is jumping on it. It’s the best press you can get…and that is what is wrong with America. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sofia Richie Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on .
Hailey Baldwin Is zero ducking interesting in her existence on social media. Just a bottom feeding kardashian leach who was able to get divirginized by Bieber cuz she looked like Bieber and he likes the idea of fucking himself like he was Usher. Full of herpes. The fact that she can leverage being married to him, like a good Christian, despite being a garbage Christian, totally horrible for society and totally a contradiction of the bible or Ten Commandments as she spent years trying to be a false idol, just that vain. But clearly people believe her lies and hype and they interview her… What the fuck does Hailey Baldwin have to offer the world with her insight…nothing…so why is the media wasting resources on her? Cuz the media is low level trash that lives for low level trash to get clicks to sell to advertisers…which I guess I do too, I am a bootleg version of them, the hailey Baldwin of media…only I don’t suck her dick…I see her and I know she’s garbage. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Hailey Baldwin Bieber Interview Mag of the Day appeared first on .
Source: Unknown / Getty A typical experience with gaslighting may go something like this: You present an issue you are having to a partner, and they react by saying “you’re too sensitive!” or “you’re crazy.” Gaslighters deflect any responsibility away from your legit feelings and instead pin their behavior on you. While the example highlighted above is a light example, its roots can definitely get deeper and more insidious. Text “RICKEY” to 71007 to join the Rickey Smiley Morning Show mobile club for exclusive news. ( Terms and conditions ). According to Psychology Today, “The term gaslighting originated from the 1944 film Gaslight , in which a husband systematically tormented his wife by convincing her that she’s insane, thereby robbing her objectivity and self-worth .” Sound familiar? You’re not alone. A lot of women are unknowing participants in a relationship where their significant other is chronic gaslighter and they don’t even know it. Most gaslights are liars or spin masters–they turn any narrative on its head in order to take the heat off themselves and put it on you. By definition, “the gaslighter takes the focus off of his or her significant weaknesses, flaws, and inadequacies, which the gaslighter is deeply afraid of exposing. Through constant lying and exaggerations, the gaslighter keeps his victims on the defensive and maintains social and psychological leverage.” Repeated exposure to this kind of behavior can leave you stifled, unable to express your feelings out of fear your partner will attack you emotionally. This psychological gagging is how the gaslighter stays empowered. The aggressor may even become hostile when confronted about their behaviors, thus scaring their partner into silence. On par with other emotional abusers, gaslights may begin to isolate their victims from their friends and loved ones, hoping to keep them far away from the truth. “By deploying demagoguery tactics such as “us versus them,” “divide and conquer,” “isolate and control,” “enemies are everywhere,” and “I’m your only hope,” the gaslighter places the gaslightee in a psychological straight jacket, and further establishes an authoritarian relationship,” Psychology Today explains. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit If the scenarios outlined above sound like you, it’s important for you to seek professional help and counseling. It takes time and patience to unhinge yourself from a gaslighter’s lies and manipulation, but awareness if the first step towards healing. [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”2008381″ overlay=”true”] This story was originally published on . ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : Rapper Shot And Killed In Houston See Lauren London’s Moving Birthday Note To Nipsey Hussle’s Sister Baby Shower Goals: Keyshia Cole Celebrates New Baby Boy On A Yacht [PHOTOS] Follow @TheRSMS
Olivia Munn is some garbage, entitled, bullshit personality from the bottom of the barrel that she crawled out of…Not only has she been consistently attention seeking but she’s also been a bottom feeder… She clearly moved to LA to get famous as an actor, which didn’t happen for her, but she did manage to get some hosting gig on Attack of the Show on G4TV, some gamer nerd show that no one should have ever watched by that gamer nerds watched because they are gamer nerds and what the fuck else are they to do….besides jerk off to some babe talking their language.. It was pandering, it got her to Comicons, it got her a fan base, that she leveraged to get her into some movies, and now all her dreams due to calculated insanity have come true… I just don’t like trash that exploits you nerds – when she’s not even that hot… She’s just scamming her way through it – which is good for her, but don’t fall for it! JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Olivia Munn Not Hot Bikini of the Day appeared first on .
Olivia Munn is some garbage, entitled, bullshit personality from the bottom of the barrel that she crawled out of…Not only has she been consistently attention seeking but she’s also been a bottom feeder… She clearly moved to LA to get famous as an actor, which didn’t happen for her, but she did manage to get some hosting gig on Attack of the Show on G4TV, some gamer nerd show that no one should have ever watched by that gamer nerds watched because they are gamer nerds and what the fuck else are they to do….besides jerk off to some babe talking their language.. It was pandering, it got her to Comicons, it got her a fan base, that she leveraged to get her into some movies, and now all her dreams due to calculated insanity have come true… I just don’t like trash that exploits you nerds – when she’s not even that hot… She’s just scamming her way through it – which is good for her, but don’t fall for it! JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Olivia Munn Not Hot Bikini of the Day appeared first on .
Hannah Holman’s got a hole man…here’s her hole man… It is a hole she’s willing to spread out all over the internet for attention, to get noticed, to either be famous or to find a way to become an instagram model who doesn’t need to work due to brand deals… It is a hole that she gets off on you getting off on. All she needed was some stupid concept and a dude with instagram followers to bring it…to give her that fucking dream… Apparently, she’s an actual model: “The child of a schoolteacher mom and cattle rancher father. She was raised in a small (population approx 210) town of Leamington, Utah. she is the youngest of 4 children. She is skilled as a western horse rider, having helped her father for years. Holman was discovered at 15 at a shopping mall.” She has a wikipedia page….but actual models can be getting naked whores for attention too… The post Hannah Holman Naked and Painted On of the Day appeared first on .
The more interesting character than the celebrity daughter, is the celebrity sister, because they were raised in the same household as the celebrity, but weren’t as important or good at earning as the celebrity, but they got to ride the celebrity wave with great gifts, hand me downs and plus one trips all without having to do any of the work….so you could just leverage that sister, get all you wanted from anyone because of that sister, and that is the best kind of mooch, even if deep down they wish they were the sister, and end up showing off tit pics for attention to speak to their own audience that they have only because of the sister…. It’s a level of knowing they are inadequate…but have a good life…making for an interesting character full of desperation and despair…but all in an awesome setting. The post Stella Hudgens Living that Sister Life of the Day appeared first on .