Exposed: Clive Davis Says Whitney Houston Was Getting Freaky With Eddie Murphy And Jermaine Jackson But NOT A Down-Low Lesbian!

Clive Davis puts Whitney’s past relationships on blast in his new tell-all book… Clive Davis Tells All About Whitney Houston’s Past Relationships Via The Grio reports: In his book, Davis described the chapter about Whitney Houston, as “without a question the most difficult chapter” for him to write. He talks about how he discovered Houston at 19-years-old and was there throughout the ups and downs of her career. In his book, Davis addresses rumors that plagued Houston’s early career of her having a lesbian relationship with her former assistant Robyn Crawford . “I really saw her in brief relationships with men. I do write that she did have an interim relationship with Jermaine Jackson when he was separated,” Davis said. “I know that she went out with Eddie Murphy for a while until she married Bobby Brown. I only knew of Robyn as her assistant, someone she grew up with, since she was a teenager. I just knew the heterosexual side of Whitney.” Since Houston’s death a year ago, the media has tried to point the finger at who enabled the six-time Grammy winner’s drug addiction. “I don’t believe it was Bobby Brown,” Davis revealed. “I think they did have a co-dependent, unhealthy relationship with each other. But I would never point to him. I have no idea who her enabler was.”

Exposed: Clive Davis Says Whitney Houston Was Getting Freaky With Eddie Murphy And Jermaine Jackson But NOT A Down-Low Lesbian!

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