Silver Spoon’s Schroder’s daughter is crawling around on all fours in a bikini, for her own bikini line I think, since all the instagram sluts are doing bikini lines, to have an excuse to post themselves in a bikini and I respect the hustle for a few reasons…the first is the level of entrepreneurship involved in launching your own brand is impressive, especially with such a young woman. Taking the whole “my dad is rich from acting maybe, I’m not sure, actors didn’t make that much in the 70s”…and saying “I’m in charge of my own destiny”…’s also a solid tactic for those instagram jobs you can’t get when the brands stop paying out people to post their nonsense…it’s an “I don’t need you, I got my own business, I aint no influencer slave to the marketing people, I am the marketing people”……but the main thing that I respect the hustle for is the half naked crawling around on all fours it takes to promote the bikini line….it’s one of the better product lines to launch if you’re a hot half naked 18 year old chick…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES!
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Faith Schroder Bikini Erotica of the Day