Fat Magazine Fashion Tits for my Birthday of the Day

There is so much content being produced online that I don’t know when a magazine is a legitimate magazine, or if it is just an instagram account, or if it is just some rich guys who have too much money who want a magazine to meet bitches, it is all so saturated that it all sort of blends into each other… I can’t tell if the models are real, or maybe now that everyone is a model, we’re all models, and real is anyone in the pictures… I don’t know if it is art, or social commentary, or just a copy of something someone else is doing… I just know that any reason for tits, whether with these models: Heather Kemetsky, Zlata Semenko, Janiece Dilone, Iana Godina, Marland Backus, Sabina Lobova, Mae Bird, Othilia Simon, Sahara….Whoever the fuck that is… Is good enough for me…and I guess for every lazy mind out there double tapping on pics… Nothing matters! VIA FAT MAGAZINE The post Fat Magazine Fashion Tits for my Birthday of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Fat Magazine Fashion Tits for my Birthday of the Day

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