Florida Woman Murders Mother While On Hallucinogens 32-year-old Camille Balla is behind bars today after taking shards of glass to her mother’s eyes, killing her. 55-year-old Francisca Monteiro-Balla was found slashed to death, with cuts on her head, arms, chest, and stomach, along with her eyes, removed from their sockets, sitting on a nearby cardboard box. According to the Sun-Sentinel , a friend called authorities upon discovering Camille covered in blood in front of the house. When police arrived, Camille frantically told them “I killed my mother and I need help.” Camille swung between bouts of calmness and fits of screams and collapsing as she tried to explain what had happened leading up to her mother’s death. She revealed that she had smoked some marijuana shortly before the incident, which both she and deputies believe to have been laced with either Flakka or PCP, causing dangerous hallucinations that led her to an act of horrendous violence . She also kept screaming “I’m a murderer!” while medics tended to her own wounds from the glass. While searching the home, police found handwritten notes with semi-religious ramblings about cleansing the soul. SMH. After so many reports about the insane things hallucinogens can cause you to do to yourself and others…why on earth are people still experimenting with them? Getty
The rest is here:
Florida Woman Gouges Out Her Own Mother’s Eyes While High On Undetermined Drug