For Discussion: Girl Kicked Off Football Team Because She’s Told Boys Will “Lust” After Her…Do You Agree?

This is just wrong . Girl Kicked Off Football Team According to Mail Online A girl who was a starting player for her school football team in sixth grade has been told she won’t be allowed to try out again next year because the boys on the team will lust after her. Maddy Paige, 12, was the starting defensive end for her Locust Grove, Georgia middle school’s team last season and even made four sacks. But school officials recently told her parents that she won’t be allowed to play on the team next year. Maddy’s mother Cassy Blythe is now livid with Strong Rock Christian School and is trying to get administrators to reconsider. I was told that the reasons behind it were one, that the boys were going to start lusting after her and have impure thoughts about her and that the locker room talk was not appropriate for a female to hear even though she had a separate locker room from the boys,’ Blythe told 11Alive. But things didn’t always seem so unfair. When Maddy first started on the team, she said she felt completely accepted. ‘I was put at defensive tackle, first string, the coaches were really proud. My teammates, a pat on the back every time,’ she said. And she deserved those pats on the back. The young girl was first string for a reason. ‘The first sack I made,’ Maddy said, ‘all the parents in the stands thought it was one of their boys…but they looked at the roster and saw it was me and I got amazing whoops and hollers.’ Then, as quickly as it had been given to her, the gift of getting to play with the boys like she’d always wanted was taken away. ‘It’s like taking my dream and throwing it in the trash,’ she said. Blythe agrees. ‘They let her have that cake,’ Blythe said, ‘and then they took it from her and they smashed it.’ If the girl can play, let her play. It’s a shame to be living in 2013 and this kind of crap still goes on. SMH.

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For Discussion: Girl Kicked Off Football Team Because She’s Told Boys Will “Lust” After Her…Do You Agree?

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