Goodbye, Dear Movieline

Dear family Movieliners, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that after three lovely years together — spent dissecting nearly every James Franco General Hospital performance , evaluating Sylvester Stallone’s shirtless evolution onscreen and trying desperately to make sense out of the Adam Sandler Box Office Paradox — I am setting sail for a new horizon. Although I am sad to leave my friends at Movieline, I am excited to report that beginning next week, I will be writing daily for’s Hollywood Blog . Consider this a formal invitation to visit me at my new home. In the meantime though, thanks are in order. Thank you to the tirelessly intelligent S.T. VanAirsdale, the wickedly funny Seth Abramovitch and the reliably witty Kyle Buchanan, all of whom initially took a chance on me, entertained me endlessly during the work day and gave me confidence in my writing. Thank you to Christopher Rosen, who not only nurtured my work but proved to be an excellent friend and Internet conversationalist when it comes to television and planning funerals fitting for action icons. Thank you to Jen Yamato, for being such a sweet and encouraging editor with a borderline scary dedication to karaoke. (One day, I will join you on the dark side of Koreatown.) Thank you to Movieline’s critics Stephanie Zacharek and Michelle Orange for their dependably beautiful prose on even the most hopeless pieces of cinema. Thank you to Mike Ryan, for inspiring me with your original and entertaining interviews. Thank you to Mark Lisanti, for flooring me with your consistently hilarious Alan Smithee features. And lastly, thank you to Louis Virtel, who made me snort-laugh and be self-conscious of my monotone delivery more than any single person I have ever known. It was a pleasure being your droll Movieline sidekick for two plus years. And finally, thank you to the wonderfully articulate readers and commenters, who continually kept me thinking and laughing long after my posts had been published. This is starting to sound like and Oscar acceptance speech though and I am simply leaving an Internet writing job, so I’ll cut this short. I enjoyed you all over the past three years and am proud to say I wrote for Movieline . Best of wishes in the new year. As always, you can reach out to me about Lifetime movies, cats and jigsaw puzzles on my Twitter feed ( @juliewmiller ) and beginning next week, you can read my musings on Hollywood at Yours, Julie Miller

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Goodbye, Dear Movieline

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