GTFOHWTBS: Presidential Wannabe GOP Goon Rick Perry Calls Charleston Church Shooting “An Accident”

Jeb Bush, Chris Christie And Rick Perry Avoid Talking Gun Control Or Race After Charleston Shooting It should come as little to no surprise that the Republican candidates for President are poorly equipped to deal with matters of race or gun violence. Via NY Daily News reports : Jeb Bush and Chris Christie mourned the murders in Charleston without blaming lax gun laws or discussing race Friday while addressing an audience of religious conservatives. And potential presidential candidate Rick Perry, the former Texas governor, referred to the murders as an “accident” — though his spokeswoman said he intended to say “incident.” Perry, in an interview with the conservative publication Newsmax, criticized President Obama and other liberals’ “”knee-jerk reaction of saying ‘if we can just take all the guns away this won’t happen.’” At the Faith & Freedom Coalition in Washington, Christie declared that the shootings were “depraved” and “unthinkable” before suggesting that tighter gun control could not have prevented the shootings. “Laws can’t change this, only the goodwill and the love of the American people can let those folks know that that act was unacceptable, disgraceful,” he said, calling on people to pray for the families of the dead. In his remarks, Bush said initially that he didn’t know what motivated Dylann Storm Roof. “”I don’t know what was on the mind or the heart of the man who committed these atrocious crimes,” Bush said, adding: “In times like these, in times of great national mourning, people of faith, all of us must come together.” He did not mention guns. Roof made it clear during his shooting spree on Wednesday that he was there to kill black people. In appearances Thursday at the convention, Sens. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, other leading Republican presidential candidates, also avoided blaming guns. This is some BS… We can’t allow another Bush to set foot anywhere near the White House. And isn’t Rick Perry the one who used to vacation by the place with the N-Word nickname?

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GTFOHWTBS: Presidential Wannabe GOP Goon Rick Perry Calls Charleston Church Shooting “An Accident”

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