Gwyneth Patrow’s People’s Most Beautiful People Spread of the Day

We all know that Gwyneth Paltrow is not the most beautiful person in the world. I mean there are just so many flaws with her spoiled brat look and personality that it’s obviously a lie. Unlike the rest of America, we don’t believe the lie and we know that People magazine is hardly an objective, credible source in a position to determine who is the most beautiful anything. What People are is a tabloid for fat, dumb, brainless people, who just don’t know better. They read it, they believe it, and they go back to cashing welfare checks, getting beat by their husbands, or working their shit job for 20k a year. We are not all created equally. What I can tell you is that the way the entertainment industry works, is simple. It is corporately run and the corporations decide what is best for the magazines to print. Whether it was last year’s J.Lo when she got cast to be on American Idol while she just released an album, or now Gwyneth, who is pushing Iron Man 3. You see she Gwyneth is represented by a major publicist, Iron Man is represented by a major Publicist, both are virtually powerhouses to a magazine like People. People get their scoops and their exclusives from these publicists, and all that publicist has to say is “we’ll pay you to feature Gwyneth thanks to Iron Man 3 budget, or you can stick to your editorial integrity, which you don’t have and we will never give you another story again”…to which their boss, who is probably owned by the same companies that make the movies, says, “let’s go with Gwyneth”.. It’s all a lie, take it in, here are her pics pretending to be the Most Beautiful, while none of them are spread vaginas, making me unable to decide if inf act she is. TO SEE HER IN A SEE THROUGH DRESS AT THE IRON MAN PREMIERE FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Gwyneth Patrow’s People’s Most Beautiful People Spread of the Day

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Gwyneth Patrow’s People’s Most Beautiful People Spread of the Day

We all know that Gwyneth Paltrow is not the most beautiful person in the world. I mean there are just so many flaws with her spoiled brat look and personality that it’s obviously a lie. Unlike the rest of America, we don’t believe the lie and we know that People magazine is hardly an objective, credible source in a position to determine who is the most beautiful anything. What People are is a tabloid for fat, dumb, brainless people, who just don’t know better. They read it, they believe it, and they go back to cashing welfare checks, getting beat by their husbands, or working their shit job for 20k a year. We are not all created equally. What I can tell you is that the way the entertainment industry works, is simple. It is corporately run and the corporations decide what is best for the magazines to print. Whether it was last year’s J.Lo when she got cast to be on American Idol while she just released an album, or now Gwyneth, who is pushing Iron Man 3. You see she Gwyneth is represented by a major publicist, Iron Man is represented by a major Publicist, both are virtually powerhouses to a magazine like People. People get their scoops and their exclusives from these publicists, and all that publicist has to say is “we’ll pay you to feature Gwyneth thanks to Iron Man 3 budget, or you can stick to your editorial integrity, which you don’t have and we will never give you another story again”…to which their boss, who is probably owned by the same companies that make the movies, says, “let’s go with Gwyneth”.. It’s all a lie, take it in, here are her pics pretending to be the Most Beautiful, while none of them are spread vaginas, making me unable to decide if inf act she is. TO SEE HER IN A SEE THROUGH DRESS AT THE IRON MAN PREMIERE FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Gwyneth Patrow’s People’s Most Beautiful People Spread of the Day

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