Tag Archives: corporations

Joy Corrigan Pantsless of the DAy

Joy Corrigan has some serious fucking bolt on tits, which is what you’d expect out of some Florida trashy girl with a great body, who has found a life of doing bikini photoshoot for catalogs, despite never having left Miami….because you don’t need to leave Miami to be a shameless, exhibitionist, trying to get ahead…some of the best stripclubs I’ve been to have been in Florida, I mean not really, but there are some pretty gutter strippers…and more interestingly in the 80s on my first Florida trip, we went to a topless donut spot..because Florida is Awesome… So Corrigan, who I assume is Billy Corrigan’s sister, was a friend of that Charlotte McKinney chick who did move to LA, and just fell off hard… Moral of the story – if you’re florida trash…stay in florida it an be as prosperous as being one of the whores in LA…. The post Joy Corrigan Pantsless of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Joy Corrigan Pantsless of the DAy

Heather Graham in a Bikini Still of the Day

Heather Graham is 100 fucking years old…and for some reason / a reason I call trying to stay relevant or get cast on TV shows because everything is based on your social media following – coupled with how loud you are about being groped or molested by producers when you were coming up from a nobody to be the fit, nice bush wearing, big titty porn chick in Boogie Nights…a job that carried her to now….the bikini selfie machine…and I guess we should all take it in, why not encourage all the old moms in the world to post bikini selfies, it’s their right, feminism, empowering, reclaiming their sex appeal, in a world when there should be an age limit on bikini sales…at 33 you are banned…even if you look good…it averages out as better for humanity…we’re perverts but not that perverted…. The post Heather Graham in a Bikini Still of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Heather Graham in a Bikini Still of the Day

Flavia Lucina Titty Shoot of the Day

Flavia Lucina is some Brazilian model who is signed with a bunch of model agencies, so she’s not just a shameless whore…she’s a shameless whore with purpose….you know maybe a shameless whore to get to this point in her career…but now a shameless whore to get jobs and money now that she is signed… I just want to make it clear that she’s bigger than just her titty photoshoots, she’s doing it for the better of the corporations she works with….or wants to work with…and is using her tits to help get her there… That said, Here’s a video of her titties being manhandled The post Flavia Lucina Titty Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Flavia Lucina Titty Shoot of the Day

Gwyneth Patrow’s People’s Most Beautiful People Spread of the Day

We all know that Gwyneth Paltrow is not the most beautiful person in the world. I mean there are just so many flaws with her spoiled brat look and personality that it’s obviously a lie. Unlike the rest of America, we don’t believe the lie and we know that People magazine is hardly an objective, credible source in a position to determine who is the most beautiful anything. What People are is a tabloid for fat, dumb, brainless people, who just don’t know better. They read it, they believe it, and they go back to cashing welfare checks, getting beat by their husbands, or working their shit job for 20k a year. We are not all created equally. What I can tell you is that the way the entertainment industry works, is simple. It is corporately run and the corporations decide what is best for the magazines to print. Whether it was last year’s J.Lo when she got cast to be on American Idol while she just released an album, or now Gwyneth, who is pushing Iron Man 3. You see she Gwyneth is represented by a major publicist, Iron Man is represented by a major Publicist, both are virtually powerhouses to a magazine like People. People get their scoops and their exclusives from these publicists, and all that publicist has to say is “we’ll pay you to feature Gwyneth thanks to Iron Man 3 budget, or you can stick to your editorial integrity, which you don’t have and we will never give you another story again”…to which their boss, who is probably owned by the same companies that make the movies, says, “let’s go with Gwyneth”.. It’s all a lie, take it in, here are her pics pretending to be the Most Beautiful, while none of them are spread vaginas, making me unable to decide if inf act she is. TO SEE HER IN A SEE THROUGH DRESS AT THE IRON MAN PREMIERE FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Gwyneth Patrow’s People’s Most Beautiful People Spread of the Day

Gwyneth Patrow’s People’s Most Beautiful People Spread of the Day

We all know that Gwyneth Paltrow is not the most beautiful person in the world. I mean there are just so many flaws with her spoiled brat look and personality that it’s obviously a lie. Unlike the rest of America, we don’t believe the lie and we know that People magazine is hardly an objective, credible source in a position to determine who is the most beautiful anything. What People are is a tabloid for fat, dumb, brainless people, who just don’t know better. They read it, they believe it, and they go back to cashing welfare checks, getting beat by their husbands, or working their shit job for 20k a year. We are not all created equally. What I can tell you is that the way the entertainment industry works, is simple. It is corporately run and the corporations decide what is best for the magazines to print. Whether it was last year’s J.Lo when she got cast to be on American Idol while she just released an album, or now Gwyneth, who is pushing Iron Man 3. You see she Gwyneth is represented by a major publicist, Iron Man is represented by a major Publicist, both are virtually powerhouses to a magazine like People. People get their scoops and their exclusives from these publicists, and all that publicist has to say is “we’ll pay you to feature Gwyneth thanks to Iron Man 3 budget, or you can stick to your editorial integrity, which you don’t have and we will never give you another story again”…to which their boss, who is probably owned by the same companies that make the movies, says, “let’s go with Gwyneth”.. It’s all a lie, take it in, here are her pics pretending to be the Most Beautiful, while none of them are spread vaginas, making me unable to decide if inf act she is. TO SEE HER IN A SEE THROUGH DRESS AT THE IRON MAN PREMIERE FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Gwyneth Patrow’s People’s Most Beautiful People Spread of the Day

Christina Milian Does the Beach of the Day

Mom Christina Milian was on the beach in her one piece bikini lookin’ pretty decent considering her vagina is probably one horrible meaty as fuck mess that they can use to model alien creatures off of for ollywood movies that she can collect royalties on like she does for a whole lot of shitty fucking songs I can only assume her contribution on was next to none, but bitch still gets paid….not that it matters, what matters is that she’s in a one piece bathing suit, doing some mom slutting, which is not nearly as good as her “DIP IT LOW” slutting, but I guess I take what they give me…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Christina Milian Does the Beach of the Day

Jordin Sparks in a Bikini for Shape of the Day

I can laugh at Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson and all the other fat bitches in Hollywood or in Singing, who are on a one way ticket to diabetes and heart disease, but the reality is they got off their size 28 jeans and hit the fucking gym, hired a trainer and stopped being lazy as fuck, and you know what, you should all take her fucking lead, cuz even if she’s not hot, or even remotely attractive, at least she’s not as fat as she used to be, and I encourage fitness as much as I encourage eating disorders, cuz both are better than eating the shit the corporations shove down your fucking throat…..

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Jordin Sparks in a Bikini for Shape of the Day

You Too Can Be Julian Assange In ‘WikiLeaks: The Game’

We live in fascinating times! The mainstream media we find has been for years bought and paid for by the very Corporations who stand to profit from what news they bring us. With the advent of WikiLeaks and similar websites that will spring up in the near future are we witnessing a revolution in news? added by: kennymotown

One year after his death, what do you miss most about Michael Jackson?

What are your thoughts on the first anniversary of Michael Jackson's death? added by: joshuaheller

ThePirateBay Founding Group Disbands Following Death of Co-Founder, Site Down Temporarily Due to Coincidental Power Outage

A power outage on ThePirateBay's servers was responsible for the coincidental temporary shut down of the website. The website is NOT permanently down as previous reported. In 2003 a group of friends from Sweden decided to found Piratbyr