Tag Archives: despite-never

It’s Phoebe Price’s Birthday of the Day

It’s the most important day of the year, because my friend, and talent, that is the most incredible personality to come out of Hollywood, is celebrating her Birthday…despite being timeless, ageless, forever perfect creature sent from heaven…….the kind of thing that is just iconic and forever….a landmark…. Phoebe Price…the goddess, the master media manipulator, the beauty the paparazzi take pics of and tabloids cover…she is the biggest personality, with some of the best style choices, and outrageous outfits you may or may not have jerked off to. She times her outfits to themes, giving the people something to talk about, publicity stunts before….everyone was trying to get famous…where she got herself famous… Allowing us all to enjoy her, and her huge tits… Celebrated, despite never having a sex tape. Even though I want her to have a sex tape. But she’ll never have a sex tape. But she will still bring the borners…. Phoebe Price’s birthday is like all of our birthday – because we all get to appreciate the joy she brings us… I am a lifelong fan, and no better way to show her our love than to stare at her big Souther Redheaded tits. The post It’s Phoebe Price’s Birthday of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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It’s Phoebe Price’s Birthday of the Day

Joy Corrigan Pantsless of the DAy

Joy Corrigan has some serious fucking bolt on tits, which is what you’d expect out of some Florida trashy girl with a great body, who has found a life of doing bikini photoshoot for catalogs, despite never having left Miami….because you don’t need to leave Miami to be a shameless, exhibitionist, trying to get ahead…some of the best stripclubs I’ve been to have been in Florida, I mean not really, but there are some pretty gutter strippers…and more interestingly in the 80s on my first Florida trip, we went to a topless donut spot..because Florida is Awesome… So Corrigan, who I assume is Billy Corrigan’s sister, was a friend of that Charlotte McKinney chick who did move to LA, and just fell off hard… Moral of the story – if you’re florida trash…stay in florida it an be as prosperous as being one of the whores in LA…. The post Joy Corrigan Pantsless of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Joy Corrigan Pantsless of the DAy

Joy Corrigan’s Bolt On Tits for Swim Week of the Day

Joy Corrigan has some serious fucking bolt on tits, which is what you’d expect out of some Florida trashy girl with a great body, who has found a life of doing bikini photoshoot for catalogs, despite never having left Miami, but stayed there where she’s from, to really dominate the marketplace amongst every fat fucking trashy girl trying to be a bikini model, because of social media…at least this one has some substance, even if her tits are clown-like and comical.. This was from Miami Swim Week, where Joy dominated since it was all on her own sugar baby turf… The post Joy Corrigan’s Bolt On Tits for Swim Week of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Joy Corrigan’s Bolt On Tits for Swim Week of the Day

Jessica Alba’s Mom Crotch of the Day

[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”202517″] I’ve heard all kinds of stories about how horny Jessica Alba is….which makes sense…despite never being naked in her shit movies…but then there’s the whole being knocked up a bunch of times…which one could argue is a woman’s plight, being a mom isn’t slutty..but it could be because she was so banged out she couldn’t get another abortion…or maybe it was because she’s just so horny and wanted to see what the real meaning off all that sex that normally left her empty but that got her a career was all about..or maybe…she just wanted to see what a huge object going out of her instead of into her was like… EITHER way, it’s been pretty lucrative for her, that vagina of hers and even this mom thing has done her well..and she still out there being fit, hot, despite being old…..posting crotch shot videos in what I like to think is an invitation….like “hey I’m in NYC – FILL ME”…so if you are a pro athlete like Derek Jeter with all his herpes….her favorite..reach out… The post Jessica Alba’s Mom Crotch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jessica Alba’s Mom Crotch of the Day

Cheryl Tiegs Gets it Of the Day

Cheryl Tiegs was a legendary Sports Illustrated Swim model, back when SI SWIM actually mattered, and like me and pretty much everyone I know, she’s wondering why the brand would put a fat chick on the cover, because no one wants to see a fat girl at a bikini, in fact it’s what ruins hotel pools and public beaches…always making me ask “WHY ISN’T SHE IN A SNOW SUIT”… I mean, I’m sure she understands that in a world of PC social justice warriors who are fucking reactive as fuck and annoying, putting a fat chick on the cover, is the “i have black friends”….get out of jail free for the rest of the magazine being misogynistic despite the editor being a chick and the chicks in the magazine being chicks who own their sexuality and monetize it via their sex work…. Either way, she’s right, fat girls are vile…here’s her quote… “I don’t like that we’re talking about full-figured women because it’s glamorizing them because your waist should be smaller than 35 [inches]. That’s what Dr. Oz said, and I’m sticking to it. No, I don’t think it’s healthy. Her face is beautiful. Beautiful. But I don’t think it’s healthy in the long run.” She got slaughtered by fat girls not working out but instead eating sugary treats at the computer and went onto say that she’s not into anorexic chicks either, because guess what, just because you find fat disgusting and unhealthy because it has been PROVEN to be, doesn’t mean you are into Anorexic chicks either, yet that’s how the world processes “how can she hate fat people”…even though EVERYONE hates fat people – EVEN FAT PEOPLE…THAT IS WHY THEY ARE FAT…because if they didn’t hate themselves, they’d take care of themeselves…Jesus… Here’s a retrospective of her work..the funny thing is if she was a model today – I’d fucking slaughter her….oh Internet…why do you make me so mean… The post Cheryl Tiegs Gets it Of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Cheryl Tiegs Gets it Of the Day

Emily Rat Cow We Can See Your Bush of the Day

Emily Rat Cow is the fucking worst, the kind of cunt with zero level of “maybe this is going to end”…because for some reason…she think she’s fucking amazing…despite never really doing anything amazing….all while looking ok…but not that amazing…she’s two years of hype in a fast moving world where people forget about people…even ones they are emotionally attached to and Emrata isn’t one anyone is emotionally attached to…she’s just a set of tits…but a great set of tits…maybe not tits that aren’t even . But she’s got some great fucking tits, and more interestingly, she’s wearing panties where I can see her bush…and I fucking love bush…even on girls who are garbage… The post Emily Rat Cow We Can See Your Bush of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emily Rat Cow We Can See Your Bush of the Day

Minnie Driver in an Unfortunate See Thru of the Day

Minnie Driver is the love interest in Good Will Hunting, who may have helped give a career to Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, but confused the fuck out of me in terms of why anyone would fall for a dude that looked like this, I don’t know what else she’s been in because the day I saw her in that shit, was the day I decided to avoid anything she was involved in. I made sure to remember her name, despite never remembering names, because she was that bad and here she is in an unfortunate See Thru shirt, that probably should have been left at home, along with Minnie Driver because she’s fucking ugly and should never have been famous even if she works playing the ugly bitch in movies…I don’t understand how her career happened…and I sure as hell don’t understand why I am posting pics of her bra…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

Minnie Driver in an Unfortunate See Thru of the Day

Lindsay Lohan and Her Latex Shirt of the Day

Lohan is in New York for fashion week and she’s wearing pretending to be fashionable in some fetish lookin latex top in public and despite never being too into latex like this guy I know who doesn’t shut up about the shit and how he bought a one size fits all latex dress for over 1000 dollars, that he makes whatever whore he brings home put on because he likes watching his cum drip off it, so this ones for him, cuz with the whole lesbian thing, Lohan could be masturbating to lesbian porn in these pics and I still wouldn’t get turned on, because I hate lesbians, I can only really stomach experimental teen girls….but she does have great tits. Pics via Bauer

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Lindsay Lohan and Her Latex Shirt of the Day