Tag Archives: emily rat cow

Rat Cow’s High Testosterone Ginger Fat Boyfriend of the Day

Ever since I’ve seen Rat Cow on her hustle, I’ve wondered about her boyfriend, who will assume is just a nice dude, something so unlike what you’d expect Rat Cow to be with, since she’s a vapid opportunist cunt on some hustle to get ahead…which obviously works… Maybe he’s her manager, maybe he’s created her career and they are in this together, maybe he has friends at Instagram and helped her get a following, you know the brains of the operation, or maybe he’s just a security blanket that she doormats…but ultimately….he is a reminder that girls aren’t always superficial, so there is hope out there for you to seduce bitches who think they are hot, despite being bird faced, and thaT women will fall for you if you have a huge cock, a huge bank account, offer support or a mix of the three… I have heard countless stories from reliable people that she’s fucking directors and actors for jobs, putting her tits out there to lock it all down….and I believe those stories…and I believe that a dude would wait around while she does that shit for work…because he gets to deal with her when she’s at her fucking shittiest…you know…which is better than an uglier chick at her shittiest… Here’s a handbra gif to remind you who RAT COW is…People find her really hot….so…here you go….. I don’t want to hate on the poor bastard who has to deal with this trash….because you know he probably brags to everyone he can that this bitch is his…even if she’s not when she’s working on getting cast….and I don’t even want to hate on her, because who cares, make that money if you can….do that hustle and be happy your bf sticks by you because why the fuck wouldn’t he….WHO knows…or cares…I’m just trying to see her asshole in her bikini… From social.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rat Cow’s High Testosterone Ginger Fat Boyfriend of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rat Cow’s High Testosterone Ginger Fat Boyfriend of the Day

The Katy Perry is Jon Benet Ramsey of the Day

I used to have a doll that I got at a dollar store that looked like Jon Benet Ramsey, so we took a series of index cards and made weird signs with weird Jon Benet Ramsey quotes that we put in her hands…like “FIND ME”…. as we’d have drunken gatherings, Jon Benet eventually lost her limbs and become BEATRICE, This was my first girlfriend Beatrice – she was real sweet. #flooded #basement #finds A photo posted by www.drunkenstepfather.com (@drunkenstepfatherdotcom) on Feb 24, 2016 at 8:43am PST I’ve always felt a deep connection with the story of a girl exploited by her parents who just disappeared.. Well the internet thinks she’s grown into Katy Perry, because Illuminati, and Katy Perry’s dad is some weird Evangelical, so nothing weird there… I’ve seen a bunch of these the last few days…it’s a funny theory.. Where is the “MAKING OF THE MUDERER” ARMCHAIR DETECTIVE 10 PART SERIES ON THIS…. I guess what it comes down to is – who cares.. The post The Katy Perry is Jon Benet Ramsey of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Katy Perry is Jon Benet Ramsey of the Day

Bella Hadid for Korea of the Day

Bella Hadid may not be as hot as a K-Pop band’s insane music video featuring Korean girls twerking and dancing like strippers…but she’s got more Plastic surgery than those girls, who are trying to whitify themselves to look more Hollywood, only she’s doing it to be more like a model…and people are buying into it…. She is more North Korean and robotic than K-Pop..and here she is in Bootleg Vogue, you know Korean Market Vogue, because she’s the Bootleg Hadid sister, which is pretty bootleg, considering the one she’s a bootleg of is still only a model because she’s a rich kid… I guess what it comes down to is – who cares.. The post Bella Hadid for Korea of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Hadid for Korea of the Day

Cheryl Tiegs Gets it Of the Day

Cheryl Tiegs was a legendary Sports Illustrated Swim model, back when SI SWIM actually mattered, and like me and pretty much everyone I know, she’s wondering why the brand would put a fat chick on the cover, because no one wants to see a fat girl at a bikini, in fact it’s what ruins hotel pools and public beaches…always making me ask “WHY ISN’T SHE IN A SNOW SUIT”… I mean, I’m sure she understands that in a world of PC social justice warriors who are fucking reactive as fuck and annoying, putting a fat chick on the cover, is the “i have black friends”….get out of jail free for the rest of the magazine being misogynistic despite the editor being a chick and the chicks in the magazine being chicks who own their sexuality and monetize it via their sex work…. Either way, she’s right, fat girls are vile…here’s her quote… “I don’t like that we’re talking about full-figured women because it’s glamorizing them because your waist should be smaller than 35 [inches]. That’s what Dr. Oz said, and I’m sticking to it. No, I don’t think it’s healthy. Her face is beautiful. Beautiful. But I don’t think it’s healthy in the long run.” She got slaughtered by fat girls not working out but instead eating sugary treats at the computer and went onto say that she’s not into anorexic chicks either, because guess what, just because you find fat disgusting and unhealthy because it has been PROVEN to be, doesn’t mean you are into Anorexic chicks either, yet that’s how the world processes “how can she hate fat people”…even though EVERYONE hates fat people – EVEN FAT PEOPLE…THAT IS WHY THEY ARE FAT…because if they didn’t hate themselves, they’d take care of themeselves…Jesus… Here’s a retrospective of her work..the funny thing is if she was a model today – I’d fucking slaughter her….oh Internet…why do you make me so mean… The post Cheryl Tiegs Gets it Of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Cheryl Tiegs Gets it Of the Day

Emily Rat Cow We Can See Your Bush of the Day

Emily Rat Cow is the fucking worst, the kind of cunt with zero level of “maybe this is going to end”…because for some reason…she think she’s fucking amazing…despite never really doing anything amazing….all while looking ok…but not that amazing…she’s two years of hype in a fast moving world where people forget about people…even ones they are emotionally attached to and Emrata isn’t one anyone is emotionally attached to…she’s just a set of tits…but a great set of tits…maybe not tits that aren’t even . But she’s got some great fucking tits, and more interestingly, she’s wearing panties where I can see her bush…and I fucking love bush…even on girls who are garbage… The post Emily Rat Cow We Can See Your Bush of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emily Rat Cow We Can See Your Bush of the Day