Source: Boston Globe / Getty Parkland Shooting Survivor’s Harvard Acceptance Rescinded Over Racism Consequences and repercussions , ladies and gentlemen. THAT is the name of the game. The internet is literally flooded with white kids saying “ni**er” and many of them probably won’t suffer any of the aforementioned results for their actions, but today at least on of them will. According to a story in the NYTimes , a student who survived the Parkland massacre last year will no longer be allowed to attend Havard in the fall after the school became aware of his idea of s#!ts and giggles. 18-year-old Kyle Kashuv posted the following thread on Twitter: 7/ Harvard decided to rescind my admission with the following letter. — Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) June 17, 2019 All that begging and pleading ended with… 7/ Harvard decided to rescind my admission with the following letter. — Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) June 17, 2019 Kyle even had the nerve to be righteously indignant about the university’s decision! 10/ Harvard deciding that someone can’t grow, especially after a life-altering event like the shooting, is deeply concerning. If any institution should understand growth, it’s Harvard, which is looked to as the pinnacle of higher education despite its checkered past. — Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) June 17, 2019 He ACTUALLY tried to use the shooting as cover for his racist BS. The whiteness is blinding. Because of Kyle’s slurry shenanigans, “n-word” is currently trending in America because of the fools who have tied capes to their thumbs in his defense. Let us say, in our most sincere tone, f**k dem kids.
The rest is here:
Ha-Ha, Lil B!t¢h: N-Word Spewing Parkland Student Has Harvard Admission Rescinded Over Racist “Humor”